Article R4625-2 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of Chapters I to IV shall apply to temporary workers, subject to the special arrangements provided for in this Section.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VI: Prevention institutions and organisations | Title II: Occupational health and prevention services | Chapter V: Monitoring the state of health of particular categories of workers | Section 2: Individual monitoring procedures applicable to temporary workers
The provisions of Chapters I to IV shall apply to temporary workers, subject to the special arrangements provided for in this Section.
For temporary employment undertakings, the application for approval and renewal of occupational health and prevention services is accompanied by a specific file, the details of which are set by order of the Minister for Employment.
The inter-company occupational health and prevention service approved to carry out occupational health duties for temporary workers constitutes a sector with its own geographical remit reserved for these employees. This sector may be common to several inter-company occupational health and prevention services approved to carry out occupational health tasks for temporary workers.
The sector reserved for temporary workers is not required to set up at least one fixed medical centre. Where no fixed medical centre is created, this sector is attached to the centre of another sector in the same department.
An occupational physician may not be assigned exclusively to the sector reserved for temporary workers. A derogation may be granted by the Regional Director of Companies, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment, after consultation with the Labour Inspector, when the particular characteristics of the sector so require.
The conditions under which the occupational physician and, under his authority, the health professionals of the temporary work agency have access to the workstations used or likely to be used by temporary workers are agreed between the user undertaking and the temporary work agency, after consultation with the occupational physicians concerned.
For temporary workers, the visits provided for in sub-sections 1 and 2 of section 2 of this chapter are carried out by the prevention and occupational health service of the temporary employment undertaking. Temporary work undertakings also have the option of contacting the following services, subject to their agreement, to have these visits carried out: 1° An inter-company occupational health service close to the temporary employee’s place of work, from…
If the worker is assigned, possibly during the course of an assignment, to a risk workstation mentioned in article R. 4624-23 for which he has not benefited from the reinforced individual monitoring mentioned in paragraph 3 of this sub-section, the user undertaking will organise a medical examination of fitness for this workstation. The occupational physician of the user undertaking will decide, where appropriate, whether or not the worker is fit…
Visits carried out in application of sub-section 1 of section 2 of this chapter may be carried out for several jobs, up to a maximum of three.
No new information and prevention visit is carried out by the health personnel of the prevention and occupational health department of the temporary work agency before a new assignment if all of the following conditions are met: 1° The health personnel have been made aware of a monitoring certificate issued for the same job in the two years prior to recruitment; 2° The worker is to occupy an identical job…
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