Article L7123-1 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of this Code are applicable to models, subject to the specific provisions of this chapter.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book I: Professional journalists, the entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Title II: Entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Chapter III: Models and modelling agencies
The provisions of this Code are applicable to models, subject to the specific provisions of this chapter.
Any person who is responsible for either: 1° Presenting a product, a service or an advertising message to the public, directly or indirectly by reproduction of their image on any visual or audiovisual medium; 2° To pose as a model, with or without subsequent use of their image.
To work as a model, a medical certificate must be issued. This certificate attests that the overall assessment of the model’s state of health, assessed in particular with regard to their body mass index, is compatible with the exercise of their profession. An order by the Ministers of Health and Employment, issued after consultation with the Haute Autorité de santé, defines the terms and conditions for the application of the…
Any contract by which a person secures the services of a model in return for remuneration is presumed to be a contract of employment.
The presumption of the existence of a contract of employment subsists regardless of the method and amount of remuneration and the classification given to the contract by the parties. Nor is it destroyed by proof that the model retains complete freedom of action in the performance of her presentation work.
The presumption of salaried employment provided for in articles L. 7123-3 and L. 7123-4 does not apply to models who are recognised as service providers established in a Member State of the European Union or in another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, where they usually provide similar services, and who come to carry out their activity in France, through the provision of services, on a…
Any contract of employment concluded between a modelling agency and each of the models it employs shall be drawn up in writing and shall include a precise definition of its purpose.
The remuneration due to the model for the sale or exploitation of the recording of his or her presentation by the employer or any other user shall not be considered as salary as soon as the physical presence of the model is no longer required to exploit this recording and this remuneration is not a function of the salary received for the production of his or her presentation, but is…
The salary received by a model for a given service may not be less than a minimum percentage of the sums paid on this occasion by the user to the modelling agency. This percentage is established, for the different types of service, by agreement or collective labour agreement.
Any advice given to a young person on access to modelling is free of charge.
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