Article L2251-1 of the French Labour Code
An agreement may contain provisions that are more favourable to employees than the legal provisions in force. They may not derogate from provisions of public policy.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Two: Collective labour relations | Book II: Collective bargaining - Collective bargaining agreements | Title V: Coordination of conventions and agreements
An agreement may contain provisions that are more favourable to employees than the legal provisions in force. They may not derogate from provisions of public policy.
A branch agreement or a professional or interprofessional agreement may contain provisions less favourable to employees than those applicable to them under an agreement covering a wider territorial or professional area, unless that agreement expressly states that it cannot be derogated from in whole or in part. Where an agreement or arrangement at a higher level than the agreement or arrangement reached is concluded, the parties shall adapt the provisions…
The branch agreement defines employees’ employment and working conditions. In particular, it may define the guarantees applicable to them in the following areas: 1° Minimum wages ; 2° Classifications; 3° Mutualisation of funds to finance paritarianism; 4° Mutualisation of vocational training funds; 5° The additional collective guarantees mentioned in article L. 912-1 of the Social Security Code; 6° The measures set out in article L. 3121-14, in 1° of article…
In the following matters, where the branch agreement or the agreement covering a wider territorial or professional field expressly so stipulates, the company agreement concluded subsequent to that agreement or agreement may not contain stipulations different from those applicable to it by virtue of that agreement or agreement, except where the company agreement provides guarantees which are at least equivalent: 1° Prevention of the effects of exposure to the occupational…
In matters other than those mentioned in articles L. 2253-1 and L. 2253-2, the stipulations of the company agreement concluded before or after the date of entry into force of the industry-wide agreement or the agreement covering a wider territorial or professional scope take precedence over those having the same purpose provided for by the industry-wide agreement or the agreement covering a wider territorial or professional scope. In the absence…
Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 2253-3, the wage clauses of a company or establishment agreement may provide for specific terms and conditions for the application of wage increases decided by branch agreements or professional or inter-professional agreements applicable in the company. However, on the one hand, the increase in the total wage bill must be at least equal to the increase that would result from the application…
When an agreement concluded in all or part of a group expressly provides for this, its stipulations replace the stipulations having the same object in agreements or conventions concluded previously or subsequently in the undertakings or establishments included in the scope of this agreement.
When an agreement concluded at company level expressly provides for this, its stipulations replace the stipulations having the same object in agreements or conventions concluded previously or subsequently in the establishments included in the scope of this agreement.
Where an agreement concluded at the level of several undertakings expressly so provides, its stipulations shall replace the stipulations having the same object in agreements or arrangements concluded previously or subsequently in the undertakings or establishments included within the scope of this agreement.
Where an employer is bound by the clauses of an agreement, these clauses apply to employment contracts concluded with the employer, unless more favourable stipulations apply.
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