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Article R123-195 of the French Commercial code

In addition to the mandatory information provided for in articles L. 123-13 to L. 123-21, L. 232-1 to L. 232-23, R. 123-179 to R. 123-189 of this code and article R. 313-14 of the Monetary and Financial Code and the information provided for by regulation of the French Accounting Standards Authority (Autorité des normes comptables), the notes to the financial statements include all material information concerning the assets and liabilities,…

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Article R123-197-1 of the French Commercial code

Public limited companies that adopt a simplified presentation pursuant to Article L. 123-16 shall include in the notes to the financial statements a list of transactions carried out between the company and its main shareholders, on the one hand, and the company and the members of its administrative and supervisory bodies, on the other hand, if these transactions are material and were not carried out under normal market conditions. The…

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Article R123-199 of the French Commercial code

The figures in the notes to the financial statements are, unless there is a duly justified exception, determined in accordance with the same principles and methods as those used to draw up the balance sheet and profit and loss account. They relate to all of the company’s activities regardless of where they are carried out. They are verifiable by reconciliation with supporting documents. Figures that already appear in the balance…

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Article R123-199-1 of the French Commercial code

The words “related party” and “related party transactions” have the same meaning as defined by the international accounting standards adopted by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2238/2004 of 29 December 2004, in particular the part of its Annex IAS 24 entitled “Purpose of related party disclosures”, and by any Community regulation that may amend it.

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Article D123-200 of the French Commercial code

For the application of articles L. 123-16 and L. 123-16-1: 1° In the case of micro-enterprises, the balance sheet total is set at 350,000 euros, the net turnover at 700,000 euros and the average number of employees during the financial year at 10; 2° In the case of small enterprises, the balance sheet total is set at 6,000,000 euros, the net turnover at 12,000,000 euros and the average number of…

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Article R123-203 of the French Commercial code

By way of derogation from article R. 123-174, the persons mentioned in articles L. 123-25 and L. 123-28 may record receipts and payments in their accounts using the transaction date shown on the statement sent to them by a credit institution.

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Article D123-205-1 of the French Commercial code

The book mentioned in article L. 123-28 distinguishes cash payments from other payments and indicates the references of the supporting documents. The register referred to in the same article shall show details of purchases in chronological order, distinguishing between cash payments and indicating the references of the supporting documents. Documents in electronic form may take the place of the book and register referred to in article L. 123-28; in this…

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Article R123-207 of the French Commercial code

The persons mentioned in articles L. 123-25 to L. 123-28 are exempt from providing evidence of incidental overheads where such exemption is granted for tax purposes. They may also record expenses relating to fuel consumed during business travel on a flat-rate basis, in accordance with a scale published each year by the tax authorities. .

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