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Article R123-208 of the French Commercial code

Notwithstanding the provisions of 1° to 5° of article R. 123-178, individuals placed by option or by operation of law under the simplified real tax regime provided for in article 302 septies A bis of the French General Tax Code may determine: 1° The inventory value of goods in stock by applying to the selling price of these goods at the balance sheet date an allowance corresponding to the margin…

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Article D123-208-01 of the French Commercial code

I.-The transactions modifying the structure of the balance sheet mentioned in article L. 123-28-1 are: 1° A significant cash inflow or outflow; 2° The allocation to or reversal of a provision for liabilities and charges. II.-The transactions modifying the structure of the balance sheet mentioned in article L. 123-28-2 include the transactions mentioned in I as well as the following transactions: 1° Capital increases and reductions; 2° Dividend distributions. III.-The…

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Article R123-208-1 of the French Commercial code

I. – The following professions remain subject to the regulations applicable to them: 1° Commercial agents mentioned in articles L. 134-1 et seq; 2° Persons carrying out the activity of press salesman and peddler mentioned in article 22 of law no. 91-1 of 3 January 1991 tending to develop employment through training in companies, aid for social and professional integration and the reorganisation of working hours, for the application of…

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Article R123-208-2 of the French Commercial code

Any person subject to registration in the Trade and Companies Register shall make the declaration provided for in Article L. 123-29 with the competent territorial chamber of commerce and industry. Any person subject to registration in the National Register of Companies as a business in the trades and crafts sector shall make this declaration to the competent regional chamber of trades and crafts even though they would be registered in…

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Article R123-208-3 of the French Commercial code

The declaration provided for in Article L. 123-29 is sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or delivered against receipt. If the application is incomplete, the regional chamber of commerce and industry or chamber of trade and craft notifies the interested party of the list of missing documents within fifteen days of receipt. From receipt of the complete declaration file, a card known as a “carte permettant l’exercice d’une…

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Article R123-208-4 of the French Commercial code

The declaration provided for in Article L. 123-29 is renewed every four years, in accordance with the same procedure as that set out in Article R. 123-208-2. However, in the event of renewal of the card, the deadline for issuing the new card is fifteen days from receipt of the complete declaration file. The holder of the card notifies the regional chamber of commerce and industry or chamber of trades…

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Article R123-208-5 of the French Commercial code

I. – Any person wishing to carry out an itinerant commercial or craft activity must present, at the request of the agents mentioned in article L. 123-30 the valid card allowing the exercise of an itinerant commercial or craft activity as well as a document proving their identity. II. – Any agent, employee or person mentioned in articles L. 121-4 or L. 121-8, carrying out an itinerant commercial or craft…

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Article R123-208-6 of the French Commercial code

The officials referred to in 2° of Article L. 123-30 are authorised, on a proposal from the mayor, by order of the prefect of the department in which the municipality concerned is located or, in Paris, by order of the prefect of police. Only civil servants with at least two years’ professional experience in market management or at least three years’ professional experience in roles requiring the level of training…

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Article R123-208-7 of the French Commercial code

If the card is lost or stolen, the holder must apply to the regional chamber of commerce and industry or chamber of trades and crafts for a duplicate to be issued, on presentation of a sworn statement of loss or a receipt for the declaration of theft. .

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Article R123-208-8 of the French Commercial code

Carrying out an itinerant commercial or craft activity without the prior declaration provided for in article L. 123-29 of the French Commercial Code is punishable by the fine provided for 4th class contraventions. Failure to present the documents provided for in I, II and III of article R. 123-208-5, as well as failure to update the card authorising the exercise of an itinerant commercial or craft activity, are punishable by…

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