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Article L3132-14 of the French Labour Code

In industries or industrial undertakings, a company or establishment agreement or, failing that, an extended branch agreement or convention may provide for the possibility of organising work on a continuous basis for economic reasons and allocating the weekly rest period by rotation. In the absence of an agreement or an extended collective labour agreement or a company agreement, a derogation may be granted by the labour inspector after consultation with…

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Article L3132-16 of the French Labour Code

In industries or industrial undertakings, a company or establishment agreement or, failing that, an extended collective labour agreement may stipulate that operational staff work in two groups, one of which, known as the relief team, has the sole function of replacing the other during the rest day(s) granted to the first group. The weekly rest period for employees in the relief team is allocated on a day other than Sunday….

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Article L3132-17 of the French Labour Code

The agreement or arrangement providing for the setting up of a stand-by team shall include provisions concerning : 1° The specific conditions for implementing training for staff working in a stand-by team and remuneration for training time; 2° The procedures for exercising the right of employees in the standby team to take up a job other than a standby job.

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Article L3132-18 of the French Labour Code

In the absence of an agreement or convention, the use of stand-in teams is subject to authorisation from the Labour Inspector, given after consultation with union representatives and the opinion of the Social and Economic Committee, if there is one, under conditions determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat.

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Article L3132-19 of the French Labour Code

The remuneration of employees on the stand-by team is increased by at least 50% compared to the remuneration that would be due for an equivalent amount of time worked according to the company’s normal working hours. This increase does not apply when the employees in the stand-in team are required to replace employees who have gone on leave during the week.

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Article L3132-20 of the French Labour Code

Where it is established that the simultaneous rest on Sunday of all the employees of an establishment would be prejudicial to the public or would compromise the normal operation of that establishment, rest may be authorised by the Prefect, either throughout the year or at certain times of the year only, in one of the following ways: 1° On a day other than Sunday for all employees of the establishment;…

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Article L3132-21 of the French Labour Code

The authorisations provided for in article L. 3132-20 are granted for a period that may not exceed three years, after obtaining the opinion of the town council and, where applicable, of the deliberative body of the public inter-communal cooperation body with its own tax authority of which the municipality is a member, of the chamber of commerce and industry, of the chamber of trades and crafts, and of the professional…

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Article L3132-23 of the French Labour Code

The authorisation granted to an establishment by the Prefect may be extended to several or all establishments in the same locality carrying on the same activity and serving the same clientele, although a fraction of an establishment may under no circumstances be treated as an establishment. These extension authorisations are all withdrawn when, in the locality, the majority of the establishments concerned so request.

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