Article R1112-21 of the French Public Health Code
Patients may be admitted at their request, with the agreement of the doctor concerned, as part of the private practice of hospital practitioners.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part One: General health protection | Book I: Health protection for individuals | Title I: Rights of patients and users of the healthcare system | Chapter II: Patients in health care institutions | Section 2: Provisions specific to public health establishments | Page 2
Patients may be admitted at their request, with the agreement of the doctor concerned, as part of the private practice of hospital practitioners.
When patients other than those receiving medical aid opt for the special scheme or the private practice of hospital practitioners, the option is made in writing, as soon as the patient is admitted, by the patient himself, a member of his family or a close relative, after the person concerned has been informed of the special conditions involved in choosing one or other of these categories. The undertaking to pay…
No patient may be transferred to the private practitioners’ sector if he/she has been admitted to the establishment in the public sector, nor may he/she be transferred to the public sector if he/she has been admitted to the private practitioners’ sector. Transfer from one sector to another may, however, in exceptional cases, be authorised by the Director at the reasoned request of the patient or his/her beneficiaries and after obtaining…
When they are admitted, beneficiaries of the various social security schemes must provide all the documents required for the establishment to be able to obtain reimbursement of hospitalisation costs from the social security organisation to which they belong.
Recipients of state medical aid must be in possession of an emergency admission decision or, failing this, all the documents required to obtain reimbursement of all or part of their hospitalisation costs.
Beneficiaries of Article L. 115 of the Code des pensions militaires d’invalidité et des victimes de guerre (Military Invalidity and Victims of War Pensions Code) leave their free care booklet at the disposal of the establishment’s administration for the duration of their hospitalisation.
If there are vacant beds in the maternity ward, the Director may not refuse admission in the month preceding the presumed date of delivery of a pregnant woman or in the month following the delivery of a woman who has recently given birth and that of her child.
If, in order to safeguard the secrecy of the pregnancy or birth, the person concerned requests the benefit of the secrecy of the admission, under the conditions provided for by article L. 222-6 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles, no identification is required and no investigation is undertaken. This admission is granted on condition that there are no vacant beds in a maternity centre in the département…
If the Director is called upon to admit a member of the military whose condition requires urgent care, he shall report this admission to the military authority or, failing this, to the gendarmerie.
Sick or injured prisoners who cannot be transferred to an appropriate or specialised prison establishment due to their state of health or, if they are on remand, who cannot be removed from the courts before which they are due to appear, shall, with the authorisation of the Minister of Justice and at the behest of the Prefect admitted either to a specially equipped ward in the establishment, or to a…
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