Article L7122-6 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The Assembly of French Guiana is based at the headquarters of the territorial collectivity of French Guiana.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART SEVEN: OTHER COLLECTIVITIES GOVERNED BY ARTICLE 73 OF THE CONSTITUTION | BOOK I: TERRITORIAL AUTHORITY OF GUYANA | TITLE II: BODIES OF THE TERRITORIAL COLLECTIVITY OF FRENCH GUYANA | CHAPTER II : The Assembly of French Guyana | Section 3: Operation
The Assembly of French Guiana is based at the headquarters of the territorial collectivity of French Guiana.
The Assembly of French Guyana shall draw up its rules of procedure in the month following its renewal. The rules of procedure may be referred to the administrative court.
The first meeting of the assembly of French Guyana shall be held ipso jure on the first Friday following its election. At the first meeting of the assembly, immediately after the election of the president, vice-presidents and other members of the standing committee, the president shall read out the charter for locally elected representatives provided for in article L. 1111-1-1. The president provides the councillors at the assembly with a…
The Assembly of French Guyana shall meet at the initiative of its President, at least once every three months, at the capital of the territorial community or at any other location chosen by the Standing Committee.
The President may decide that the meeting of the Assembly of French Guiana shall be held in several places, by videoconference. When the meeting of the assembly of French Guiana is held by videoconference, the quorum is assessed on the basis of the presence of councillors to the assembly of French Guiana in the various places by videoconference. Votes may only be taken by public ballot. If a request for…
The Assembly of French Guiana is also convened at the request of: 1° The standing committee; 2° Or one third of its members on a specific agenda, for a period that may not exceed two days. The same councillor to the Assembly of French Guyana may not submit more than one request for a meeting per six-month period. In the event of exceptional circumstances, the councillors to the Assembly of…
Sessions of the Assembly of French Guyana shall be public. However, at the request of five members or the President, the Assembly may decide, without debate, by an absolute majority of the members present or represented, that it shall meet in camera. Without prejudice to the powers conferred on the Chairman by article L. 7122-12, these sittings may be broadcast by audiovisual communication media.
The chairman alone is responsible for policing the assembly. He may have any individual who disturbs order expelled from the auditorium or arrested. In the event of a crime or misdemeanour, he draws up a report and the matter is immediately referred to the public prosecutor.
The minutes of each meeting, drawn up by one of the secretaries, are approved at the beginning of the following meeting and signed by the Chairman and the secretary. The minutes shall contain the date and time of the sitting, the names of the Chairman, the members of the Assembly present or represented and the secretary or secretaries of the sitting, the quorum, the agenda for the sitting, the resolutions…
The Assembly of French Guyana may not deliberate unless the absolute majority of its members in office are present. However, if on the day fixed by the notice convening the Assembly does not meet in sufficient number to deliberate, the meeting is held ipso jure three days later and the deliberations are then valid regardless of the number of those present. Subject to the provisions of articles L. 7123-1, L….
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