Article R512-16-2 of the French Consumer Code
Authorised officials may order, where applicable under the conditions set out in article L. 512-16, of goods in order to submit them to controls.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Consumer Code | New regulatory part | Book V: POWERS OF INVESTIGATION AND RESPONSE TO AUDITS | Title I: RESEARCH AND MONITORING | Chapter II: Powers of investigation | Section 1: Ordinary powers of investigation | Subsection 4: Levies | Paragraph 1: Provisions common to samples taken for the purposes of investigating offences | Page 2
Authorised officials may order, where applicable under the conditions set out in article L. 512-16, of goods in order to submit them to controls.
On receipt of the goods, samples are taken and sealed. These seals retain an identification label bearing in particular the following information: 1° The name under which the goods are being made available; 2° The date and time of the order; > The date and time of the order 3° The date and time of delivery of the goods; 4° The date and time the samples were taken and sealed;…
The order and delivery of the goods shall be recorded in a report containing, in addition to a description of the goods and an indication of the price paid when the order was placed, including transport costs, the following information: 1° The surname, first names, position and place of residence of the authorised agent; 2° The date and time of the order; > The date and time of the order…
The provisions of article R. 512-16 are applicable to these levies.
Where the analyses or tests carried out on the sample have established that it does not comply with the regulations, the price of the samples paid by the administrative service shall be reimbursed to it by the person from whom the goods were ordered, without prejudice to the penalty provided for in Article L. 531-6.
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