Article R3131-4 of the French Public Health Code
The Defence Zone Prefect exercises the powers provided for in article L. 3131-9 if justified by the nature of the health crisis, particularly in the event of an exceptional health situation.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part Three: Combating disease and addiction | Book I: Combating communicable diseases | Title III: Serious health threats and crises | Chapter I: Health threats | Section 2: Exceptional health situation
The Defence Zone Prefect exercises the powers provided for in article L. 3131-9 if justified by the nature of the health crisis, particularly in the event of an exceptional health situation.
The Director General of the regional health agency for the zone referred to in article L. 1435-2 prepares the zonal mobilisation plan in consultation with the regional health agencies for the defence and security zone, the Prefect for the defence and security zone and the National Public Health Agency. This plan includes: 1° The procedures for distributing and mobilising the resources of the health system in the defence and security…
The zonal mobilisation plan is drawn up by the Prefect of the defence zone, after consulting the zonal defence committee referred to in article R. * 1311-25 of the Defence Code. The zonal mobilisation plan is revised each year in accordance with the procedures set out in article R. 3131-5. The zonal mobilisation plan is sent, for information, to the general directors of the regional health agencies in the defence…
I-A decree by the Minister for Health designates, on the proposal of the regional health agency for each defence and security zone, one or more reference health establishments for the exceptional health situations mentioned in article L. 3131-9. II-These establishments have the capacities and obligations for treatment and diagnosis defined by the order mentioned in the first paragraph, in particular an emergency medical assistance service. When several reference health establishments…
In the defence zone, the reference health establishments are responsible for : 1° Providing technical assistance to the regional health agency for the zone; 2° Providing technical expertise to health establishments on all matters relating to the preparation and management of exceptional health situations; 3° Providing training for healthcare establishment staff in the management of exceptional health situations; 4° Proposing to the regional health agency in the zone the organisation…
The regional health agency responsible for the establishment of reference shall include, in the multiannual contract of objectives and resources concluded with the establishment of reference in application of article L. 6114-1, the objectives and resources relating to the missions defined in article R. 3131-8, in liaison with the regional health agency for the zone.
I.-The “ORSAN” system mentioned in article L. 3131-11 includes in particular : 1° A regional plan organising, according to the risks identified, the care pathways and the ways in which the various players in the healthcare system are coordinated in order to respond to exceptional health situations. This plan specifies, for each care pathway, the missions and operational objectives entrusted to the players in the healthcare system, in particular the…
The Minister for Health implements the automated processing of personal data mentioned in article L. 3131-9-1, known as SIVIC, in the event of an event constituting an exceptional health situation or likely to involve a large number of victims, particularly in the event of a mass accident. The purpose of this processing is to 1° To count the number of patients in health establishments and by medical-psychological emergency units, including…
The categories of personal data recorded in the SIVIC processing are as follows: 1° Concerning persons taken into care following an event mentioned in the first paragraph of article R. 3131-10-1 for consultation or hospitalisation in a health establishment or by professionals from medical-psychological emergency units: a) Data enabling them to be counted ; b) Data enabling them to be identified, including their registration number in the national register for…
I. – The data referred to in article R. 3131-10-2 is collected and recorded in the SIVIC data processing system by the staff of health establishments caring for patients, including in the context of emergency medical assistance services or medical-psychological emergency units. These people have access to the data strictly insofar as it is necessary for the performance of the tasks entrusted to them. II. – Persons designated and authorised…
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