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Article 1469 of the French Civil Code

The reward is, in general, equal to the lower of the two sums represented by the expenditure made and the profit remaining. It may not, however, be less than the expenditure made where this was necessary. It may not be less than the profit remaining, where the value borrowed has been used to acquire, conserve or improve an asset which is, on the day of the liquidation of the community,…

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Article 1470 of the French Civil Code

If, after balancing, the account shows a balance in favour of the community, the spouse reports the amount to the common estate. If it shows a balance in favour of the spouse, the spouse has the choice either to demand payment or to deduct from the common estate up to the amount due.

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Article 1471 of the French Civil Code

Withdrawals are made first from cash, then from movables, and secondarily from community property. The spouse making the deduction has the right to choose which movables and immovables he will deduct. He may not, however, by his choice prejudice the rights that his spouse may have to apply for the maintenance of indivision or the preferential allocation of certain property. If the spouses wish to draw on the same property,…

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Article 1472 of the French Civil Code

In the event of insufficiency of the community, the levies of each spouse are proportional to the amount of the rewards due to him or her. However, if the insufficiency of the community is attributable to the fault of one of the spouses, the other spouse may exercise his or her levies before him or her on all the community property; he or she may exercise them subsidiarily on the…

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Article 1473 of the French Civil Code

Rewards due from or to the community shall bear interest ipso jure from the day of dissolution. However, where the reward is equal to the remaining profit, interest shall accrue from the day of liquidation.

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Article 1474 of the French Civil Code

Withdrawals from community property constitute a partition transaction. They do not confer on the spouse exercising them any right to be preferred to community creditors, except for the preference resulting, where applicable, from the legal mortgage.

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Article 1475 of the French Civil Code

After all deductions have been made from the estate, the surplus is divided equally between the spouses. If a community property is an annex to another property owned by one of the spouses, or if it is contiguous to that property, the owner spouse has the option of having it allocated to him or her by deduction from his or her share or in return for a balance, based on…

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Article 1476 of the French Civil Code

The partition of the community, in all that concerns its forms, the maintenance of indivision and preferential allocation, the licitation of property, the effects of the partition, the guarantee and the balances, is subject to all the rules that are established under the title “Of successions” for partitions between co-heirs. However, for communities dissolved by divorce, legal separation or separation as to property, preferential allotment is never by right, and…

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Article 1477 of the French Civil Code

Any spouse who has embezzled or concealed some of the community effects is deprived of his or her share in the said effects. Similarly, any spouse who has knowingly concealed the existence of a common debt must assume it definitively.

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Article 1478 of the French Civil Code

After the partition has been consummated, if either spouse is a personal creditor of the other, such as where the price of his or her property has been used to pay a personal debt of his or her spouse, or for any other reason, he or she exercises his or her claim against the share that has fallen to the latter in the community or against his or her personal…

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