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Article L1321-7 of the French Public Health Code

I.-Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 214-1 of the Environment Code, the use of water for human consumption, with the exception of natural mineral water, is subject to authorisation from the State representative in the département, for : 1° Production ; 2° Distribution via a public or private network, with the exception of distribution for the use of a family mentioned in III and distribution via private networks…

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Article L1321-8 of the French Public Health Code

It is forbidden to supply water intended for human consumption via open canals, with the exception of those existing on 30 October 1935, which have been improved to ensure that the water supplied is clean and wholesome water intended for human consumption.

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Article L1321-9 of the French Public Health Code

Data on the quality of water intended for human consumption, in particular the results of analyses carried out as part of health checks and at private homes, are sent by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency to the State representative in the département. They are public and may be communicated to third parties. The representative of the State in the department is required to regularly communicate to the…

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Article L1321-10 of the French Public Health Code

A decree by the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the procedures for applying the provisions of this chapter, with the exception of article L. 1321-9, and in particular those relating to the monitoring of their implementation and the conditions under which the costs of health monitoring and the costs corresponding to the obligations laid down in this chapter shall be borne by the public or private person responsible for production or…

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Article L1322-1 of the French Public Health Code

I. – Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 214-1 of the Environment Code, natural mineral water is subject to recognition and authorisation by the State representative in the département for: 1° Exploitation of the spring ; 2° Conditioning the water; 3° Use for therapeutic purposes in a spa establishment ; 4° Distribution in public refreshment areas. II. – Any significant change in the characteristics of the natural mineral…

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Article L1322-2 of the French Public Health Code

I. – Any person who offers mineral water to the public, whether in return for payment or free of charge and in any form whatsoever, is required to ensure that this water is fit for the purpose for which it is intended. II. – Any public or private person holding an authorisation mentioned in article L. 1322-1 is required to : 1° Monitor the quality of the natural mineral water…

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Article L1322-3 of the French Public Health Code

A natural mineral spring may be declared to be in the public interest. In this case, it may be assigned a protection perimeter, which may cover separate plots of land. Within this perimeter, all activities, deposits or installations likely to directly or indirectly harm the quality of the water may be prohibited or regulated. This perimeter may be modified if new circumstances make it necessary.

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Article L1322-4 of the French Public Health Code

No drilling or underground work may be carried out within the protection perimeter of a natural mineral water spring declared to be of public interest, without prior authorisation issued by the State representative in the département. With regard to excavations, trenches for the extraction of materials or any other object, house foundations, cellars or any other work in the open air, the prefectoral order establishing the protection perimeter may exceptionally…

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Article L1322-5 of the French Public Health Code

The works, activities, deposits or installations mentioned in article L. 1322-4 and undertaken, either by virtue of a regular authorisation, or after a prior declaration, may, at the request of the owner of the spring, be prohibited by the representative of the State in the department, if their observed result is to alter or diminish the spring. The owner of the land is heard beforehand. The order issued by the…

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Article L1322-6 of the French Public Health Code

When, due to drilling or underground works or due to other activities, deposits or installations undertaken outside the perimeter and deemed likely to alter or diminish a natural mineral spring declared to be of public interest, the extension of the perimeter appears necessary, the State representative in the department may, at the request of the owner of the spring, temporarily order the suspension of the works or activities. The works…

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