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Article L3223-1 of the French Public Health Code

The commission provided for in article L. 3222-5 : 1° Is informed, under the conditions laid down in Chapters II and III of Title I of this Book, of any decision to admit a person to psychiatric care, of any renewal of this decision and of any decision terminating this care ; 2° Receives complaints from persons undergoing psychiatric care pursuant to Chapters II to IV of Title I of…

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Article L3223-2 of the French Public Health Code

The committee provided for in article L. 3222-5 is made up of : 1° Two psychiatrists, one appointed by the public prosecutor at the court of appeal, the other by the representative of the State in the department ; 2° (Repealed) ; 3° Two representatives of approved associations of patients and families of people with mental disorders, appointed by the State representative in the department; 4° A general practitioner appointed…

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Article L3241-2 of the French Public Health Code

The Saint-Martin Territorial Commission for Psychiatric Hospitalisation is made up of : 1° A psychiatrist or, failing that, a doctor with knowledge and experience in psychiatry appointed by the public prosecutor at the Basse-Terre Court of Appeal; 2° (Repealed) ; 3° Two representatives of approved associations of patients and families of persons suffering from mental disorders, or, failing this, two qualified persons, appointed by the State representative; 4° A general…

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Article L3251-1 of the French Public Health Code

I.-When a request for a person to be admitted for psychiatric care has been submitted under the conditions provided for in 1° of II of article L. 3212-1 or when an imminent danger to the person’s health has been established under the conditions provided for in 2° of the same II, the State representative will, with a view to admitting the person into psychiatric care, issue an order for the…

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Article L3251-2 of the French Public Health Code

In the event of imminent danger to the patient’s health or to the safety of persons, certified by a medical opinion, the representative of the State in Saint-Barthélemy will take all necessary provisional measures to supervise a person whose behaviour reveals obvious mental disorder with a view to their possible transfer to an establishment located in Saint-Martin, Guadeloupe or Martinique and authorised to treat persons suffering from mental disorder in…

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Article L3251-3 of the French Public Health Code

The medical transfer is carried out at the administration’s expense using either a national navy ship, or a ship or aircraft chartered by the representative of the State in Saint-Barthélemy. The latter takes all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the mentally ill person, other persons and property during this transfer.

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Article L3251-4 of the French Public Health Code

Before the person concerned arrives in the host local authority, the State representative in Saint-Barthélemy will send the transfer order and the medical and administrative documents mentioned in article L. 3251-1 to the State representative in the host local authority.

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Article L3251-5 of the French Public Health Code

I.-In the event that the health transfer order has been issued on the basis of I of article L. 3251-1, the State representative in the host community will transfer the person concerned, upon arrival, to an establishment authorised to treat people suffering from mental disorders and the psychiatric care admission procedure provided for in article L. 3212-1 will be implemented, in accordance with the regulations applicable locally. II – In…

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