Article L3354-4 of the French Public Health Code
Failure to comply with the prohibitions set out in article L. 3354-3 is punishable in the event of a repeat offence by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of €3,750.
Failure to comply with the prohibitions set out in article L. 3354-3 is punishable in the event of a repeat offence by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of €3,750.
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the measures that must be taken to facilitate the performance of the examinations provided for in article L. 3354-1 with a view to establishing a diagnosis of alcoholism.
Associations whose statutory purpose includes the fight against alcoholism, which have been duly registered for at least five years on the date of the events, may exercise the rights granted to civil parties for the offences provided for in this Title. The same rights may be exercised by the consumer associations referred to in article L. 421-1 of the Consumer Code for the offences provided for in Chapter I of…
The rights provided for in Article L. 3355-1 are also recognised for trade unions formed in accordance with the law of 31 March 1884 for the defence of the general interests of the drinks trade.
Persons found guilty of one of the offences referred to in articles L. 3351-1, L. 3351-3, L. 3352-1, L. 3352-5 and the first paragraph of article L. 3353-3 shall be liable to the additional penalty of disqualification from the civic, civil and family rights referred to in article 131-26 of the French Criminal Code for a period of at least one year and at most five years.
Natural persons guilty of an offence under this Title may also be liable to temporary or permanent closure of the establishment.
In the event of prosecution for an offence that may result in the temporary or permanent closure of a public house, the Public Prosecutor’s Office will take the steps provided for in the last paragraph of article 706-37 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. When the person holding the licence or owning the public house is not being prosecuted, the temporary or permanent closure measures may only be ordered if…
Natural persons guilty of an offence under this Title are liable to the additional penalty of temporary or permanent disqualification from the profession of tobacconist. In the event of prohibition from practising the profession as provided for in the previous paragraph or in the event of closure of an establishment as provided for in article L. 3355-4, the period during which the convicted persons must continue to pay their staff…
Infringement of the provisions of a judgement or the law prohibiting the practice of the profession of public housekeeper is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 4,500 euros. For the duration of this prohibition, the convicted person may not, subject to the same penalties, be employed in any capacity whatsoever in the establishment that he was operating, even if he has sold or managed it. Nor may…
Where the ban on operating a public house is for more than two years, the court will order the sale of the business by public auction if the business is owned by the banned person. If the prohibited person was operating the business on behalf of the owner, the court authorises the owner to take over the business, notwithstanding any agreements to the contrary and regardless of the duration of…
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