Article D3324-21 of the French Labour Code
Employees who receive company shares may negotiate the subscription or allotment rights attached to these shares even during the period when they are not negotiable pursuant to Article L. 3324-10.
Employees who receive company shares may negotiate the subscription or allotment rights attached to these shares even during the period when they are not negotiable pursuant to Article L. 3324-10.
The profit-sharing agreement sets out how each beneficiary is to be informed. This information relates in particular to : a) The amounts allocated under the profit-sharing scheme; b) The amount he/she may request to be paid in whole or in part; c) The period within which they may make their request; d) The allocation of a proportion of these sums to the collective retirement savings plan or to the collective…
When a beneficiary requests payment of the profit-sharing in accordance with the provisions of article R. 3324-21-1, the undertakings shall make this payment before the first day of the sixth month following the end of the financial year in respect of which the profit-sharing is allocated. After this deadline, the companies shall add to the payment provided for in the first paragraph interest on arrears equal to 1.33 times the…
If the beneficiary has not opted for immediate availability, the cases in which, pursuant to article L. 3324-10, the rights accrued in favour of the beneficiaries may exceptionally be liquidated before the expiry of the periods set out in the first paragraph of this article and in the second paragraph of article L. 3323-5 are as follows: 1° Marriage or the conclusion of a civil solidarity pact by the person…
The employee’s request for early liquidation must be made within six months of the triggering event, except in the case of termination of the employment contract, death, invalidity, domestic violence or overindebtedness. In the latter cases, the request may be made at any time. The early lifting of the unavailability period takes the form of a single payment which, at the employee’s choice, relates to all or part of the…
The judgment approving the plan for the total sale of the company, or opening or ordering the compulsory liquidation of the company, immediately renders payable the participation rights that have not yet fallen due pursuant to Article L. 643-1 of the Commercial Code and Article L. 3253-10 of this Code.
When the parties have chosen to use the special profit-sharing reserve under the conditions provided for in article L. 3323-2, the companies make the corresponding payments before the first day of the sixth month following the end of the financial year in respect of which the profit-sharing is allocated. After this deadline, the companies shall add to the payments provided for in the first paragraph interest on arrears equal to…
When the special profit-sharing reserve is used to acquire securities issued by open-ended investment companies, at least half of the portfolio of these companies is made up of securities issued by companies whose registered office is located in a Member State of the European Community or another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. These companies register in the name of each beneficiary the number of shares…
When the profit-sharing agreement provides that the sums due to employees will be used according to one or more of the methods mentioned in Article L. 3323-2 and allows employees to choose individually the method of management of the sums allocated to them, it sets out the methods of exercising this choice and specifies the fate of the rights of employees who have not expressly opted for one of the…
Where the profit-sharing agreement offers several investment vehicles, it specifies the terms and conditions under which employees may change the allocation of their savings. However, the agreement may provide for restrictions on the possibility of changing the initial investment choice in the cases it defines. It then specifies the change or changes that may be made when the employee leaves the company. Without prejudice to the provisions of the fifth…
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