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Article R1413-23 of the French Public Health Code

Any member of the Board of Directors, the Scientific Advisory Board or a committee of experts, the Agency’s compliance officer appointed pursuant to article L. 1451-4, the Agency’s Chief Executive Officer or any other employee of the Agency may refer matters to the Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee within its remit. In particular, it is responsible for : 1° Keeping a constant watch on best practice in the field of…

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Article R1413-24 of the French Public Health Code

The Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee elects its Chairman from among its members. It defines its operating procedures in accordance with the school’s internal regulations and the resources allocated to it. It informs the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. The Committee shall have access to all information held by the Agency necessary for the exercise of its powers. The Chief Executive Officer shall provide the Committee with…

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Article R1413-25 of the French Public Health Code

The Steering and Dialogue Committee has at least ten and at most twenty members. The number of members is set within these limits by the Board of Directors. These members are appointed for a term of four years, renewable once, by decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors after approval of the list of members by the Board of Directors, from among persons recognised for their knowledge and…

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Article R1413-26 of the French Public Health Code

The role of the Steering and Dialogue Committee is to: 1° Contribute to the quality and relevance of the Agency’s actions by providing its vision of current and future public health issues and the social questions they raise; 2° Propose priorities in the Agency’s areas of activity and guidelines for its annual work programme; 3° Helping to improve the Agency’s communication methods, particularly in health crisis situations within the framework…

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Article R1413-27 of the French Public Health Code

Members of the Scientific Advisory Board, committees of experts, the Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee, the Guidance and Dialogue Committee and other experts called upon by the Agency may receive compensation for attending meetings of these bodies and for all work, reports and studies carried out for the Agency, under conditions set by the Board of Directors. In addition, they are entitled to travel and subsistence allowances under the conditions…

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Article R1413-28 of the French Public Health Code

Referrals to the Agency by organisations represented on the Board of Directors in application of the first paragraph of article L. 1413-5 must be sent by the head of the organisation, or by its representative expressly designated by proxy, to the Director General of the Agency. It must be duly substantiated and, where appropriate, accompanied by any supporting documents. In the event of a joint referral by several bodies, a…

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Article R1413-29 of the French Public Health Code

The Agency is subject to the provisions of Titles I and III of Decree 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management. The amount of funding from the compulsory health insurance schemes referred to in Article L. 1413-12 is set by order of the ministers responsible for health, social security and the budget.

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