Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code of civil procedure | Book III: Provisions specific to certain matters | Title I: Individuals | Chapter X: Legal protection of minors and adults | Section I: Provisions relating to measures ordered by the judge | Subsection 2: Proceedings before the guardianship judge | Page 2
A guardianship judge hearing the case of a minor may check with the juvenile court judge whether educational assistance proceedings have been opened and ask the latter to send him copies of documents from the case in progress, in accordance with the procedures defined in article 1187-1.
On being informed that educational assistance proceedings have been opened in respect of the minor, the guardianship judge shall, at the request of the children’s judge, transmit a copy of any document that the latter considers useful.
The file may be consulted at the court registry by the applicant until the opening or authorisation decision has been handed down or, where a modification of the protection measure, a review or renewal of authorisation is requested, until a decision has been made on this request. It may also be consulted under the same conditions and with the authorisation of the court seised, by one of the persons listed…
At any time during the proceedings, the file may be consulted at the clerk’s office of the court holding it, upon written request and without any restriction other than the needs of the service, by the adult to be protected or protected, where applicable, by his lawyer as well as by the person or persons responsible for the protection. When the request to consult the file comes from the adult…
The file of the minor under guardianship may be consulted at the court registry by the petitioner, the guardian, the parents or, where applicable, their lawyers, until a decision is made on the petition. At any time during the procedure, the minor capable of discernment, his guardian or one of his parents may ask to consult his file. Minors capable of discernment may only consult the file concerning them in…
The lawyer for the adult to be protected or protected, the minor or his parents may obtain copies of all or part of the documents in the case file. He may not communicate the copies thus obtained or their reproduction to the adult under protection or protected, the minor or a third party.
Subject to provisions of article 510 of the Civil Code relating to the communication of management accounts, the guardianship judge may, after pronouncement of the protective supervision judgment, authorise, upon justification of a legitimate interest, the delivery of a copy of one or more documents from the file to the protected adult, the minor who has reached the age of sixteen or the person in charge of the protective measure.
Copies of the deliberations of the family council and court decisions relating to the protection measure may only be issued to the parties and persons invested with guardianship responsibilities concerned by these deliberations and decisions. Persons demonstrating a legitimate interest may also obtain extracts with the authorisation of the guardianship judge. A minor who has reached the age of majority may obtain a copy of the deliberations and decisions concerning…
The decisions of the judge provided for in articles 1222, 1223-1 and 1223-2 are measures of judicial administration.
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