Article 234 quindecies of the French General Tax Code
The contribution provided for in article 234 nonies is equal to 2.5% of the base defined in articles 234 duodecies à 234 quaterdecies.
The contribution provided for in article 234 nonies is equal to 2.5% of the base defined in articles 234 duodecies à 234 quaterdecies.
1. The rules concerning the contribution collected in respect of the participation of employers in the construction effort are defined in articles L. 313-1, and L. 313-4 to L. 313-6 of the Construction and Housing Code. 2. The rules concerning the contribution collected in respect of the participation of agricultural employers in the construction effort are defined in articles L. 716-2 to L. 716-5 of the French Rural and Maritime…
I.-The following are instituted: 1° A solidarity levy on income from assets mentioned in article L. 136-6 du code de la sécurité sociale; 2° Un prélèvement de solidarité sur les produits de placement mentionnés à l’article L. 136-7 of the same code. II.-The solidarity levy mentioned in 1° of I of this article is assessed, controlled and collected according to the same rules and under the same securities, privileges and…
Property and casualty insurance companies of all kinds must, when they apply to the taxable income for a financial year the surplus of provisions set aside to meet the settlement of claims arising during a previous financial year, pay a tax representing the interest corresponding to the cash flow advantage thus obtained. The tax is based on the amount of corporation tax that would have been payable in the year…
When one of the conditions mentioned in the fourth paragraph of 4 of Article 38 is not complied with on a loan still outstanding during the recovery period referred to in Article L. 169 of the Book of Tax Procedures and without prejudice to the late payment interest applicable, pursuant to Article 1727, the company is liable for a levy corresponding to the cash flow advantage obtained. However, the company…
I. – Corporate income tax payers with sales in excess of €250 million are subject to an exceptional contribution equal to a fraction of this tax calculated on their taxable income, at the rates mentioned in Article 219, for financial years ending on or after 31 December 2011 and until 30 December 2016. This contribution is equal to 10.7% of the corporation tax due, determined before offsetting tax reductions and…
I. – Those liable for corporation tax are subject to a social contribution equal to a fraction of this tax calculated on their taxable income at the rates mentioned in I and IV of article 219 and reduced by an allowance which may not exceed 763,000 euros per twelve-month period. Where a financial year or tax period is less than or greater than twelve months, the allowance is adjusted accordingly….
I.-A tax applies to any acquisition for consideration of a capital security, within the meaning of Article L. 212-1 A of the Monetary and Financial Code, or an equivalent capital security, within the meaning of article L. 211-41 of the same code, provided that this security is admitted to trading on a French, European or foreign regulated market, within the meaning of articles L. 421-4, L. 422-1or L. 423-1 of…
I. – Companies operating in France, within the meaning of I of Article 209, are subject to a tax on high-frequency trading in equity securities, within the meaning of article L. 212-1 A of the Monetary and Financial Code, carried out on own account via automated processing systems. II. – High-frequency trading in equity securities, within the meaning of I of this article, is the act of sending orders on…
I.-An annual levy is introduced on the proceeds of the additional premiums or contributions provided for in Article L. 125-2 of the Insurance Code relating to cover against the risk of natural disasters. This levy is paid by insurance companies. II. II – The rate of this levy is set at 12%. The levy is collected according to the same rules, under the same guarantees and the same penalties as…
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