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Article L2132-2 of the French Public Health Code

All children under the age of eighteen benefit from preventive health and social measures, including compulsory examinations. The number and content of these examinations, the age at which they must be carried out and the determination of those which give rise to a health certificate are laid down by regulation. The content of health certificates, and in particular the list of illnesses or deficiencies that must be mentioned in them,…

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Article L2132-2-1 of the French Public Health Code

In the year following their third, sixth, ninth, twelfth and fifteenth birthdays, children must undergo a preventive oral health check-up by a dental surgeon or a doctor qualified in stomatology. This obligation is deemed to have been fulfilled when the dental surgeon or a doctor qualified in stomatology certifies on the health record mentioned in article L. 2132-1 that the examinations have been carried out. In the year following their…

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Article L2132-3 of the French Public Health Code

Within eight days, the doctor who has carried out an examination leading to the issue of a health certificate shall send this certificate to the doctor in charge of the departmental maternal and child protection service. This information is transmitted in compliance with professional confidentiality. For the purposes of statistical and epidemiological monitoring of children’s health, each departmental public maternal and child protection service transmits to the Minister for Health…

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Article L2132-4 of the French Public Health Code

The persons exercising parental authority or those to whom a child has been entrusted shall be informed, in compliance with ethical rules, when a disability has been suspected, detected or reported in the child, in particular during the medical examinations provided for in article L. 2132-2, of the nature of the disability and of the possibility for the child to be admitted to specialised centres, in particular early medical-social action…

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Article L2133-1 of the French Public Health Code

Advertisements for beverages with added sugar, salt or artificial sweeteners or for manufactured food products must contain health information. In the case of internet, television or radio advertising, this obligation only applies to messages transmitted and broadcast from French territory and received on French territory. The same obligation to provide information applies to any promotion aimed at the public by means of printed matter and periodical publications issued by the…

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Article L2133-2 of the French Public Health Code

Photographs for commercial use of models, as defined inarticle L. 7123-2 of the French Employment Code, whose body appearance has been modified by image processing software in order to make the model’s figure thinner or thicker must be accompanied by the words: “Retouched photograph”. The application and control procedures for the implementation of the first paragraph of this article are determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, issued after consultation…

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Article L2135-1 of the French Public Health Code

In order to support children with neurodevelopmental disorders and make a diagnosis, an early assessment and intervention pathway is paid for by the health insurance scheme. The pathway is organised by structures designated by order of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency from among the establishments or services mentioned in 2°, 3° and 11° of I of Article L. 312-1 of the Social Action and Family Code or…

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Article L2136-1 of the French Public Health Code

For the support of children with multiple disabilities or cerebral palsy, a coordinated pathway for diagnosis, re-education and rehabilitation is covered by the health insurance, on medical prescription. The pathway is organised by structures designated by order of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency from among the health establishments mentioned in article L. 6111-1 of this code or from among the establishments or services mentioned in 2°, 3°…

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