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Article R752-29-1 of the French Commercial code

The prefect’s decision to suspend the registration and examination by the departmental commercial development commission of an application for a commercial development authorisation relating to a project mentioned in the first or second paragraph of the article L. 752-1-2 is taken on a case-by-case basis, depending on the characteristics of the project.

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Article R752-29-2 of the French Commercial code

Within fifteen clear days of the registration of an application for authorisation to operate a business at the secretariat of the departmental commission for a project mentioned in the first or second paragraph of article L. 752-1-2, the Prefect of the département in which the project is located may request, in the event that the authorisation procedure is suspended: a) For projects mentioned in the first paragraph of article L….

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Article R752-29-3 of the French Commercial code

When an application for authorisation to operate a business has been submitted to the departmental commission for a project mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 752-1-2, the president of the local authority of the municipality in which the project is located and each of the mayors of the municipalities that are signatories to the territorial regeneration operation agreement may jointly submit a request to the prefect of the…

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Article R752-29-4 of the French Commercial code

The communications provided for in articles R. 752-29-2 and R. 752-29-3 between the prefect, on the one hand, and the presidents of public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with their own tax status and the mayors, on the other hand, are made by electronic means.

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Article R752-29-5 of the French Commercial code

The suspension order provided for in articles R. 752-29-2 and R. 752-29-3 exposes: 1° The objectives pursued by the territorial revitalisation operation agreement that the project is likely to compromise, for the application of the first paragraph of Article L. 752-1-2 of this code, or seriously compromise, within the meaning of the second paragraph of this same article; 2° The characteristics of the project identified as constituting a risk to…

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Article R752-29-6 of the French Commercial code

If, taking into account the updated situation of the catchment area, the reasons that led to the suspension of the retail authorisation procedure so justify, the prefect may extend this suspension for a further period of up to one year, by a new order issued no later than six months before the initial term of the suspension. The prefect shall first seek the opinion of the president or presidents of…

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Article R752-29-7 of the French Commercial code

The orders provided for in articles R. 752-29-2, R. 752-29-3 and R. 752-29-6 are notified to the petitioner and, in the case of an application for planning permission equivalent to a business licence, to the authority responsible for planning permission. They are published in the department’s official journal of administrative acts.

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Article R752-29-8 of the French Commercial code

Three months before the end of the suspension period, the secretariat of the departmental committee asks the petitioner to send it, within two months, an update of the information contained in the application file for a business authorisation. The updated application file is sent to the local investigating department and, in the case of an application for a building permit equivalent to a business authorisation, to the competent authority in…

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