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Article L4422-31 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The Assembly of Corsica may call into question the responsibility of the executive council by the vote of a motion of no confidence. The motion of no confidence shall mention, on the one hand, the statement of the reasons for which it is presented and, on the other hand, the list of names of the candidates called to exercise the functions of president and executive councillors of Corsica in the…

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Article L4422-32 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

At least twelve days before the meeting of the Assembly of Corsica, the President of the Executive Council of Corsica transmits to the President of the Assembly a report on each of the matters to be examined by the Assembly, as well as, where applicable, the corresponding draft deliberations. The Assembly’s agenda includes, by priority and in the order that the President of the Executive Council has set, the business…

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Article L4422-34 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I.-The Executive Council and the Assembly of Corsica are assisted by an Economic, Social, Environmental and Cultural Council of Corsica. The size of the council may not exceed that of the Assembly of Corsica. It comprises three sections: the economic and social development and foresight section; the culture, Corsican language and education section; the environment and living environment section. When a body is called upon to appoint more than one…

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Article L4422-35 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The provisions relating to the terms of office of members and chairmen of regional economic, social and environmental councils as set out in articles L. 4134-6 à L. 4134-7-2. For the application of Article L. 4134-7, the words: “Articles L. 4135-16 and L. 4135-17” are replaced by the words: “Article L. 4422-46”.

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Article L4422-36 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The Corsican Economic, Social, Environmental and Cultural Council is consulted in advance by the President of the Corsican Executive Council on: the draft sustainable development plan for Corsica and the draft revisions to this plan; the draft planning documents of the Corsican regional authority; the draft resolutions defining public policies or drawing up schemes and programmes in areas where the laws grant the Corsican regional authority competence; -draft resolutions relating…

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Article L4422-37 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

At the initiative of the President of the Executive Council, the President of the Assembly of Corsica or the Assembly of Corsica, the Economic, Social, Environmental and Cultural Council of Corsica may be asked for an opinion or study on any project falling within the remit of the collectivity of Corsica in economic and social matters, concerning the cultural future of Corsica or having consequences in terms of education, the…

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Article L4422-38 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The State representative in the territorial collectivity of Corsica is appointed by decree in the Council of Ministers. He represents each of the ministers and directs the State services under the conditions set by article 21-1 of loi n° 72-619 du 5 juillet 1972 portant création et organisation des régions. The State representative in the territorial collectivity of Corsica is responsible for national interests, compliance with the law and administrative…

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