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Article R743-139-12 of the French Commercial code

The President of the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce shall be seised as mediator of any dispute arising from the performance of an employment contract either by application lodged against receipt at the secretariat of the council, or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The act of referral shall specify, on pain of inadmissibility, the identity of the parties, the subject matter of the dispute and…

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Article R743-139-13 of the French Commercial code

The Chairman of the National Council or, if he is absent or unable to attend, the Vice-Chairman shall summon the parties by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within fifteen days of the referral and at least eight days before the date of the mediation session. A copy of the referral document shall be attached to the summons of the party that did not initiate the mediation. The summons shall…

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Article R743-139-14 of the French Commercial code

The Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the National Council, after hearing the parties concerned and gathering all relevant information, shall propose a solution to the dispute if the parties have been unable to reach an agreement. In the event of an agreement, whether total or partial, this shall be recorded in writing, signed by the parties concerned and the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. The original is kept by the Chairman; a copy…

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Article R743-139-15 of the French Commercial code

The exercise of his duties as a public official by the salaried commercial court clerk, as well as that of his professional mandates, are suspended from the day of the termination of the employment contract, whatever the cause. During this suspension, he may no longer use the status of public officer or the title of clerk of the commercial court. For a period of one year, if he is selected…

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Article R743-139-16 of the French Commercial code

The retirement of an employed commercial court clerk, the contractual termination of his employment contract or his resignation shall be brought to the attention of the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, by teleprocedure on the website of the Ministry of Justice, and to the attention of the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce, by the interested party or by the person holding the office within which…

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Article R743-139-17 of the French Commercial code

Any dismissal, envisaged by the holder of the office, of an employed commercial court clerk is subject to the opinion of a national commission composed as follows: 1° A magistrate, chairman; 2° Two office-holding or associate clerks, appointed on a proposal from the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce; 3° Two salaried clerks, appointed on a proposal from the most representative trade union organisations of salaried commercial court…

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Article R743-139-18 of the French Commercial code

The holder of the office refers the matter to the chairman of the commission by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The letter of referral shall specify the reasons given in support of the proposed dismissal. A copy of the letter is sent to the President of the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce, to the Minister of Justice, by tele-procedure on the website of the Ministry of…

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Article R743-139-19 of the French Commercial code

After hearing the parties and the president of the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce in adversarial proceedings and provoking any explanations or communication of useful documents, the commission issues a reasoned opinion. A copy of this opinion is sent, within fifteen days, to each of them, as well as to the president of the Conseil national, the garde des sceaux, minister of justice and the public prosecutor….

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Article R743-139-20 of the French Commercial code

When the office-holder maintains his intention to dismiss the salaried registrar, he shall notify him of his dismissal either by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or by letter delivered against a receipt. In the event of serious misconduct, the office-holder may, before referring the matter to the committee provided for in article R. 743-139-17, notify the salaried registrar of his immediate dismissal, in the same manner as provided for…

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