Article R4532-24 of the French Labour Code
For operations in the first and second categories, the ability to coordinate is distinct for the design, study and development phase of the project and for the construction phase.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title III: Building and civil engineering | Chapter II: Coordination of building and civil engineering works | Section 3: Health and safety coordination and coordinator. | Page 3
For operations in the first and second categories, the ability to coordinate is distinct for the design, study and development phase of the project and for the construction phase.
A natural person is deemed to be competent to perform the role of coordinator during the design, study and project development phase of the work if he can provide evidence of : 1° Professional experience in architecture, engineering or project management, or, for level 2 or 3 skills, a diploma under the following conditions: a) For level 1 skills: at least five years’ professional experience ; b) For level 2…
A natural person is deemed to be competent to act as coordinator during the construction phase if he can provide evidence of : 1° Professional experience in works supervision, scheduling, management and control of works or site supervision or as a safety coordinator or agent, or, for level 2 or 3 skills, a diploma under the following conditions : a) For level 1 skills: at least five years’ professional experience…
A coordinator who has exercised his function at a given level of competence for five years may be recognised as having the level of competence immediately above, if he has previously acquired, on completion of the corresponding training, the certificate of competence corresponding to that level. If he holds one of the diplomas referred to in 1° of article R. 4532-25 or article R. 4532-26, the condition of length of…
Competence may be extended to the phase for which it was not initially provided when the coordinator provides proof of acquiring the required professional experience. This professional experience is verified by the training organisation of the coordinator’s choice, which will enter it on the certificate of competence provided for in article R. 4532-31.
At the request of the Labour Inspectorate, the project owner must provide proof of the competence of the coordinator he has appointed.
A natural person may act as a trainer of coordinators if he or she can provide evidence of : 1° A level of competence at least equal to that required for coordinators in Articles R. 4532-25 and R. 4532-26, except where he is a member of the qualified staff of one of the prevention organisations mentioned in 2° ; 2° Completion of a training course for trainers at the Organisme…
The duration and content of the training for coordinators and trainers are adapted to the level of competence required and the professional experience or qualifications of the candidates. At the end of the course, the trainee’s skills will be tested and a certificate of competence will be issued by the training organisation.
Admission to a coordinator or trainer training course is decided by the training organisation, after it has checked that the professional experience or diploma conditions have been met.
Reasons must be given for any refusal of admission to a training course for trainers. It may be the subject of a complaint, in the form and within the timeframe laid down in article R. 4723-1, to the Minister responsible for employment, who will give a ruling within the timeframe laid down in articles R. 4723-2 and R. 4723-3.
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