Article R4524-3 of the French Labour Code
In carrying out their duties, the members of the inter-company occupational health and safety committee may make observations and recommendations and propose preventive action.
In carrying out their duties, the members of the inter-company occupational health and safety committee may make observations and recommendations and propose preventive action.
The inter-company occupational health and safety committee is informed by the Prefect of the provisions of the technological risk prevention plan.
The inter-company occupational health and safety committee is made up of the chairman of each of the social and economic committees concerned and employee representatives, with one full member and one alternate member. Its members are appointed from among its members by the staff delegation of each of the committees.
Employee representatives on the inter-company committee are appointed for a renewable term of three years. Their term of office ends as soon as they cease to be employee representatives on the social and economic committee of their establishment. They are replaced under the conditions set out in article R. 4524-5.
The inter-company occupational health and safety committee is chaired by the regional director of companies, competition, consumption, labour and employment or his representative. When the risk exposure perimeter covers all or part of the territory of several departments, the committee is chaired by the departmental director of labour, employment and vocational training of the department most exposed.
The inter-company occupational health and safety committee is convened by the chairman at least once a year or at the request of one-third of its members, giving reasons. Only its members have the right to vote.
The Prefect may invite the chairmen and secretaries of the social and economic committees set up in other establishments located within the perimeter of this plan to attend meetings of the committee set up for this purpose because of the particular risks associated with their location or activity. The labour inspectors referred to in article L. 8112-1 and the inspectors of classified installations, who are responsible for inspecting these establishments,…
The heads of the establishments concerned shall provide the inter-company committee with all the information it needs to carry out its duties, in particular : 1° The major accident prevention policy they are implementing; 2° The safety management systems implemented in each establishment and the results of checks on these systems, audits and management reviews organised by the heads of establishment; 3° Major accident risks identified as likely to affect…
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