Article D2671-5 of the French Public procurement code
For the application of article D. 2392-2 in New Caledonia, the words “to L. 2392-3” are replaced by the words “and L. 2392-2”.
For the application of article D. 2392-2 in New Caledonia, the words “to L. 2392-3” are replaced by the words “and L. 2392-2”.
Subject to the adaptations provided for in this Title, the following provisions shall apply in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories to public contracts concluded by the State or its public establishments, subject to the powers devolved to this collectivity, in their wording resulting from Decree No. 2018-1075 of 3 December 2018, unless otherwise specified in the table below. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS AS THEY STAND In Book I R. 2100-1 In…
Subject to the adaptations provided for in this Title, the following provisions shall apply in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories to public contracts concluded by the State or its public establishments, subject to the powers devolved to this collectivity, in their wording resulting from Decree No. 2018-1075 of 3 December 2018, unless otherwise specified in the table below. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS AS THEY STAND In Book I R. 2100-1 In…
Subject to the adaptations provided for in this Title, the following provisions shall apply in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories to public contracts concluded by the State or its public establishments, subject to the powers devolved to this collectivity, in their wording resulting from Decree No. 2018-1075 of 3 December 2018, unless otherwise specified in the table below. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS AS THEY STAND To Book I In Title VII…
For the application of the regulatory provisions of Book I in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories:1° In article R. 2111-9:a) 2° is deleted;b) In 5°, the words: “the other technical standards drawn up by the European standardisation bodies or, in their absence,” are deleted;2° In Article R. 2122-1, the references to Article L. 1311-4 of the Public Health Code, Articles L. 184-1, L. 511-11, L. 511-15, L. 511-16 and…
For the application of article D. 2192-2 in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories, the words “to L. 2192-3” are replaced by the words “and L. 2192-2”.
For the application of the regulatory provisions of Book III to the French Southern and Antarctic Lands:1°° In article R. 2311-5:a) 2° is deleted;b) In 6°, the words: “other technical standards drawn up by European standardisation bodies, or, in their absence,” are deleted;2° In Article R. 2322-2, the second paragraph is deleted;3° Articles R. 2331-1 and R. 2331-2 are replaced by the following provisions: “Art. R. 2331-1 -Buyers may make…
For the application of article D. 2392-2 in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories, the words “to L. 2392-3” are replaced by the words “and L. 2392-2”.
For the application of articles L. 2691-1 and L. 2691-2, the proportion between, on the one hand, the unemployment rate for young people under 25 years of age recorded in one of the territories mentioned in this article and, on the other hand, this same rate observed at national level is set at 1.5.The minimum proportion of the number of hours required to perform the contract which must be carried…
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