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Article 27-2 of the French Civil Code

Decrees granting acquisition, naturalisation or reinstatement may be revoked with the assent of the Conseil d’Etat within two years of their publication in the Journal officiel if the applicant does not meet the legal conditions; if the decision was obtained by deceit or fraud, such decrees may be revoked within two years of the discovery of the fraud.

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Article 27-3 of the French Civil Code

Decrees that result in loss for one of the reasons provided for in articles 23-7 and 23-8 or forfeiture of French nationality are taken, the interested party being heard or called upon to produce his observations.

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Article 28 of the French Civil Code

Mention will be made, in the margin of the birth certificate, of administrative acts and declarations resulting in the acquisition, loss or reinstatement of French nationality. Mention will likewise be made of any first issue of a certificate of French nationality and of court decisions relating to this nationality.

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Article 28-1 of the French Civil Code

The mentions relating to nationality provided for in the previous article are automatically entered on copies and extracts with an indication of parentage of birth certificates or certificates drawn up in lieu thereof. These mentions are also entered on extracts without an indication of parentage of birth certificates or on the family record book at the request of the interested parties. However, mention of the loss, declination, forfeiture, opposition to…

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Article 29 of the French Civil Code

The ordinary civil courts have exclusive jurisdiction to hear disputes concerning the French or foreign nationality of natural persons. Questions of nationality are preliminary before any other administrative or judicial court, with the exception of criminal courts including a criminal jury.

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Article 29-2 of the French Civil Code

The procedure followed in nationality matters, and in particular the communication to the Ministry of Justice of summonses, submissions and avenues of appeal, is determined by the Code of Civil Procedure.

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Article 29-3 of the French Civil Code

Any person has the right to act to have it decided that he or she has or does not have French nationality. The public prosecutor has the same right with regard to any person. He is a necessary defendant in any action declaring nationality. He must be called into question whenever a question of nationality is raised as an incident before a court competent to hear it.

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Article 29-4 of the French Civil Code

The public prosecutor is required to act if requested to do so by a public authority or by a third party who has raised the nationality objection before a court which has stayed the proceedings pursuant to Article 29. The third party making the request must be implicated.

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Article 29-5 of the French Civil Code

Judgments and rulings handed down in matters of French nationality by the ordinary law judge have effect even with regard to those who were neither parties nor represented. Any interested party is, however, admissible to challenge them by third-party opposition on condition that they implicate the public prosecutor.

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