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Article 21-4 of the French Civil Code

The Government may oppose, by decree in the Council of State, on the grounds of unworthiness or lack of assimilation, other than linguistic, the acquisition of French nationality by the foreign spouse within two years of the date of the receipt provided for in the second paragraph of Article 26 or, if registration has been refused, from the day on which the court decision admitting the legality of the declaration…

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Article 21-5 of the French Civil Code

A marriage declared null and void by a decision of a French court or a foreign court whose authority is recognised in France does not render null and void the declaration provided for in article 21-2 in favour of the spouse who contracted it in good faith.

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Article 21-7 of the French Civil Code

Any child born in France of foreign parents acquires French nationality on coming of age if, on that date, he or she has his or her residence in France and has had his or her habitual residence in France for a continuous or discontinuous period of at least five years, since the age of eleven. The judicial courts, local authorities, public bodies and services, and in particular educational establishments, are…

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Article 21-8 of the French Civil Code

The interested party has the option of declaring, under the conditions provided for in articles 26 et seq and provided that he proves that he has the nationality of a foreign State, that he declines French nationality in the six months preceding his majority or in the twelve months following it. In the latter case, he is deemed never to have been French.

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Article 21-9 of the French Civil Code

Any person who fulfils the conditions set out in article 21-7 to acquire French nationality loses the option of declining it if he or she enlists in the French armed forces. Any minor born in France of foreign parents, who is regularly enlisted as a recruit, acquires French nationality on the date of his enlistment.

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Article 21-10 of the French Civil Code

The provisions of articles 21-7 to 21-9 do not apply to children born in France to diplomatic agents and career consuls of foreign nationality. However, these children have the option of voluntarily acquiring French nationality in accordance with the provisions of article 21-11 hereinafter.

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Article 21-11 of the French Civil Code

A minor child born in France to foreign parents may, from the age of sixteen, claim French nationality by declaration, under the conditions set out in articles 26 et seq if, at the time of his declaration, he has his residence in France and has had his habitual residence in France for a continuous or discontinuous period of at least five years, since the age of eleven. Under the same…

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Article 21-12 of the French Civil Code

A child who has been the subject of a simple adoption by a person of French nationality may, until the age of majority, declare, under the conditions set out in the articles 26 et seq, that he or she claims French nationality, provided that at the time of his or her declaration he or she resides in France. However, the residence requirement is waived where the child has been adopted…

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Article 21-13 of the French Civil Code

French nationality may be claimed by declaration made in accordance with articles 26 et seq, persons who have enjoyed, in a constant manner, possession of the status of French national, during the ten years preceding their declaration. Where the validity of acts concluded prior to the declaration was subject to possession of French nationality, this validity may not be challenged solely on the grounds that the declarant did not have…

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