Article L4433-10-11 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The regional development plan may be revised in accordance with the procedures for its preparation set out in articles L. 4433-10 to L. 4433-10-3.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART FOUR: THE REGION | BOOK IV: REGIONS WITH SPECIAL STATUS AND THE TERRITORIAL COLLECTIVITY OF CORSICA | TITLE III: OVERSEAS REGIONS | CHAPTER III: Responsibilities | Section 3: Powers of the overseas regions in relation to economic development and regional planning | Page 3
The regional development plan may be revised in accordance with the procedures for its preparation set out in articles L. 4433-10 to L. 4433-10-3.
The regions of Guadeloupe and La Réunion, the territorial authorities of French Guiana and Martinique and the Department of Mayotte benefit, for the establishment of the regional development plan, from the special assistance created within the general decentralisation grant pursuant to the first paragraph of Article L. 1614-4. .
The conditions for the application of this sub-section shall be determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The regions of Guadeloupe, Mayotte and Réunion define, in liaison with the public authorities and professional organisations, their guidelines for the development of agriculture and forestry, in particular when the plan is drawn up. To this end, the chambers of agriculture, the land development and rural establishment companies, the national forestry office and all other public or private legal entities invested by law or regulation with a mission of agricultural,…
I.-In each overseas region, a public industrial and commercial establishment with responsibility for vocational training may be created. The establishment is created by the deliberative assembly and placed under the authority of the local authority. The establishment is created by the deliberative assembly and placed under the authority of the local authority. The establishment is created by the deliberative assembly and placed under the authority of the local authority. II…
I.-When a public establishment created on the basis of article L. 4433-14 succeeds a public administrative establishment, all the rights, property and obligations of the public administrative establishment may be transferred to the public industrial and commercial establishment, on the date of its creation, under the conditions provided for by deliberation of the local authority which created them. This transfer is made free of charge and gives rise to the…
The regions of Guadeloupe and La Réunion, the territorial collectivities of French Guiana and Martinique and the Department of Mayotte are consulted on any draft international agreement relating to the exploration, exploitation, conservation or management of natural resources, both living and non-living, in the Republic’s exclusive economic zone off the coast of the territory concerned. Because of its particular geographical situation, the Réunion region is kept informed each year of…
In the regions of Guadeloupe and La Réunion, the territorial collectivities of French Guiana and Martinique, and the Department of Mayotte, the powers for the management and conservation of the sea’s biological resources, devolved to the administrative authority pursuant to articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the decree of 9 January 1852 on the exercise of maritime fishing, are exercised by the territorial collectivity, subject to France’s international commitments,…
In the regions of Guadeloupe and Réunion, aid granted by the State before 3 August 1984, the date of publication of the loi n° 84-747 du 2 août 1984 relative aux compétences des régions de Guadeloupe, de Guyane, de Martinique et de la Réunion, aux entreprises de cultures marines et aux travaux d’aménagement destinés aux cultures marines sont financées et attribuées par la région qui dispose, à cet effet, des…
The regions of Guadeloupe, Mayotte and Reunion are associated, by agreement with the State and specialised public establishments, with the preparation and implementation of the mining inventory. They are consulted by the State on programmes for prospecting and exploiting mineral resources. However, the offshore mining inventory is drawn up and implemented by the regions. With due respect for the State’s sovereignty and property rights over its maritime public domain, the…
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