Article R2512-23 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The Paris commune budget comprises a main budget and subsidiary budgets.
The Paris commune budget comprises a main budget and subsidiary budgets.
The main budget comprises a budget for the Commune of Paris and a special budget for the Police Prefecture. Each of these budgets is made up of an operating section and an investment section. These two budgets are drawn up by chapters and articles in accordance with the nomenclature laid down by order of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister responsible for the budget within the framework of…
The budget of the commune of Paris and the special budget of the police prefecture are voted by chapters. However must be authorized, by deliberation of the Paris council, any transfer concerning: 1° An article relating to staff remuneration; 2° An article relating to staff allowances not included in 1°; 3° An article relating to subsidies. .
Ancillary budgets comprise an investment section and an operating section. Ancillary budgets must be drawn up for services whose activity is essentially aimed at producing goods or providing services for which a price is paid. The nomenclature of ancillary budgets is laid down by a joint order of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of the Economy and Finance.
Revenue and expenditure for the following local interest joint services: – institut médico-légal; – laboratoire central de la préfecture de police (excluding missions relating to mine clearance and the scientific and technical police); – laboratoire central des services vétérinaires; – objets trouvés; are entered in the budget of the Commune of Paris (special budget of the Préfecture de Police) and are subject, pursuant to Article L. 2512-25, a contribution from…
The expenses of the shared services referred to in article R. 2512-27 may be shared pursuant to agreements or conventions entered into between the Commune of Paris and the départements of Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne. The départements may renounce the use of one or more of these services and consequently cease to contribute to their expenditure. A deliberation to this effect by a departmental council will only take effect from…
A coordination committee is responsible for examining problems concerning the services governed by article R. 2512-27. This committee is consulted on all draft decisions concerning the management of common services and having the effect of placing new expenditure at the charge of the local authorities. The composition and operating rules of this committee are set by order of the Minister of the Interior.
I.-For the application of the first paragraph of Article L. 2512-28: the actual operating revenue of the City of Paris is affected by a coefficient of 29.13% for the departmental share and a coefficient of 70.87% for the municipal share; the actual operating expenditure of the City of Paris is affected by a coefficient of 31.42% for the departmental share and 68.58% for the municipal share. II.-For the application of…
The mayor issues the burial authorisation provided for in article R. 2213-31, when the body is buried in one of the Parisian cemeteries even if it is located outside the territory of Paris.
In the case provided for in article R. 2223-13, when the mayor or his delegate goes to the cemetery to note the abandoned state of a plot, he may be accompanied by the police commissioner or, in the latter’s absence, by a sworn official from the cemetery’s surveillance staff.
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