Article R6123-11 of the French Public Health Code
Without prejudice to the provisions of article R. 6123-32-7, the provisions of this section do not apply to health establishments providing permanent care for pregnant women and new-born babies.
Without prejudice to the provisions of article R. 6123-32-7, the provisions of this section do not apply to health establishments providing permanent care for pregnant women and new-born babies.
The provisions of this section do not prevent a health care establishment which is not authorised to carry out the activity mentioned in 3° of article R. 6123-1 from fulfilling its general obligations to assist and care for persons in danger who come to it and : 1° Provides immediate care to a patient who presents himself during the opening hours of his consultations and, if necessary, refers him or…
A health care establishment may only be authorised to carry out the activity mentioned in 1° of article R. 6123-1 if it also satisfies the conditions laid down in articles R. 6311-1 to R. 6311-13.
The location of the SMURs mentioned in 2° of article R. 6123-1 is determined by the regional health plan and ensures territorial coverage.
As part of emergency medical assistance, the mobile emergency and resuscitation structure mentioned in article R. 6123-1 has the following mission: 1° To ensure, on a permanent basis, in all places and as a priority outside the health establishment to which it is attached, the care of a patient whose condition urgently requires medical care and resuscitation, and, if necessary, and after regulation by the SAMU, the transport of this…
At the request of the Director General of the regional health agency for the zone, back-up interventions are initiated and coordinated by the emergency medical assistance service (SAMU) for the zone mentioned in article R. 3131-7, in the following cases : 1° When the network mentioned in article R. 6123-26 is unable to meet the emergency care needs of the population; 2° As part of an event mentioned in article…
The interventions of the SMUR and those of the SMUR branches mentioned in article R. 6123-5 are triggered and coordinated by the SAMU. The mobile emergency and resuscitation structure team informs the SAMU at all times of the progress of the intervention in progress.
The terms of cooperation between the SAMU and the SMUR as well as the sectors and terms of intervention of the latter are specified in an agreement or in the network agreement mentioned in article R. 6123-29. This agreement specifies : 1° The conditions under which the members of the mobile emergency and intensive care unit (SMUR) teams may participate in the operation of the emergency medical assistance service (SAMU),…
Any establishment authorised to carry out the activity referred to in 3° of article R. 6123-1 is obliged to admit to its emergency department on a permanent basis any person presenting in an emergency situation or referred to it, in particular by the emergency services.
To ensure the observation, care and monitoring of patients after they have been admitted, until they have been referred, the establishment organises diagnostic and therapeutic care as follows: 1° Within the emergency department ; 2° Within the short-stay hospital unit ; 3° Directly in one of the establishment’s care structures, in particular as part of the specific care provided for in articles R. 6123-32-1 to R. 6123-32-9 ; 4° By…
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