Article R1413-31 of the French Public Health Code
The agency may, with the authorisation of the ministers responsible for health and the budget, take out loans.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part One: General health protection | Book IV: General health administration | Title I: Institutions | Chapter III: Health monitoring, health emergencies and health promotion | Section 1: National Public Health Agency | Page 4
The agency may, with the authorisation of the ministers responsible for health and the budget, take out loans.
Revenue and imprest accounts may be set up in accordance with the provisions of Decree no. 2019-798 of 26 July 2019 on the revenue and imprest accounts of public bodies.
The Agency’s public-sector employees are subject to the provisions of Decree no. 86-83 of 17 January 1986 relating to the general provisions applicable to State contract employees taken for the application of article 7 of Law no. 84-16 of 11 January 1984 on the statutory provisions relating to the State civil service, subject to the provisions of Decree no. 2003-224 of 7 March 2003 laying down the rules applicable to…
The communication to the Agence nationale de santé publique, in application of article L. 1413-8, of information covered by medical or industrial secrecy is subject to a written and reasoned request from its Director General. The Director General shall designate the person authorised within the National Public Health Agency to receive this information. The request must state the person’s name, administrative address and e-mail address. In the case of information…
The person to whom the request is addressed will forward the information requested without delay to the person designated under the conditions set out in the previous article, by means which guarantee its confidentiality. When the above-mentioned information is sent to the Agence nationale de santé publique in a sealed envelope, it is sent in a double envelope, the inner envelope being marked “secret médical” or “secret industriel”. When this…
The information communicated in application of Article R. 1413-34 shall be kept in a place or on a medium that preserves its confidentiality. Only persons from the National Public Health Agency designated by name by the Director General may access it. In the case of information covered by medical confidentiality, such access shall be under the responsibility of a doctor. Once the time required to achieve the purposes for which…
When, in the exercise of the warning mission entrusted to the National Public Health Agency by 6° of Article L. 1413-1, the transmission of information covered by medical or industrial confidentiality is essential to the recipient authority for the implementation of appropriate individual or collective risk prevention or control measures, the Agency shall transmit this information to the public authorities mentioned in the Minister for Health, in accordance with the…
When the National Public Health Agency, in order to carry out the tasks mentioned in 1°, 2° and 6° of article L. 1413-1, needs the individual data mentioned in articles L. 1413-6 and L. 1413-7, its Director General shall determine the nature of the data to be transmitted by the various health professionals and the purpose of this transmission. The Agency shall inform the latter by any means of the…
In order to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the transmission of the individual data mentioned in articles L. 1413-6 and L. 1413-7, the provisions of articles R. 1413-34 to R. 1413-36 are applicable to these transmissions.
When the transmission of the individual information mentioned in Articles L. 1413-6, L. 1413-7 and L. 1413-8 is essential for the members of the national public health network to carry out their mission to support the National Public Health Agency as provided for in 1° of Article L. 1413-3, healthcare professionals shall transmit this information to the members designated by the Director General of the Agency, in accordance with the…
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