Article 1811 of the French General Tax Code
The prison sentence provided for in the first paragraph of article 1810 is increased to ten years for the offences referred to in 10° of the same article committed in an organised gang.
The prison sentence provided for in the first paragraph of article 1810 is increased to ten years for the offences referred to in 10° of the same article committed in an organised gang.
1. Infringements of the law of 16 March 1915, amended by that of 17 July 1922 relating to the prohibition of the manufacture, wholesale and retail sale and circulation of absinthe and similar liqueurs, and the decrees issued for its application, are punishable, at the request of the public prosecutor, by a fine of €18,000. For persons engaged in retail sales, the fine incurred is €3,750. Whoever makes it impossible…
a. A fine of €6,000 shall be imposed on anyone who, not being the holder of the exemption provided for in Article 311 bis, has, in a professional capacity, used a mobile distillation apparatus; b. Any infringement of the provisions of article 306 is punishable by the same penalty; c. In the event of a repeat offence under a and b, a term of imprisonment of one year may also…
Rebellion or assaults against officers are prosecuted before the courts, which order the application of the penalties imposed by the criminal code, independently of the fines and confiscations incurred by the offenders.
In the event of the conviction of a publican for rebellion or violence against officers, the court may, independently of any other penalties incurred, order the closure of the outlet for a period of up to six months. In the event of an infringement of the regulations concerning capsules, imprints or vignettes representing indirect duties on alcohol, wine and cider, the court may order the establishment to be closed, either…
The provisions of Article 1750 shall apply to the offences provided for in Articles 1810, 1811 and 1812.
Judgment shall be displayed by the court for any infringement of the provisions relating to the harvest or stock declaration of wines.
Sont punies des peines applicables aux infractions prévues par les articles 1810 à 1818 les personnes désignées à l’article 1799.
Infringements of the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 434 are punishable by the penalties laid down in the Consumer Code.
The provisional closure of gaming house establishments may be ordered by the administration in the event of obstruction, impediment or resistance to the action of the agents responsible for recording or in the event of late payment of fees.
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