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Article L212-12 of the French Sports Code

Any person who exercises one of the functions mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 212-1 for remuneration without having made the declaration provided for in article L. 212-11 is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.

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Article L212-13 of the French Sports Code

The administrative authority may, by means of a reasoned order, prohibit any person whose continued activity constitutes a danger to the health and physical or moral safety of the participants, temporarily or permanently, from performing all or some of the functions mentioned in articles L. 212-1, L. 223-1 or L. 322-7 or from working with minors in the physical activity and sports establishments mentioned in article L. 322-1. The administrative…

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Article L212-14 of the French Sports Code

It is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros for any person to teach, lead or supervise a physical or sporting activity in disregard of a measure taken in application of article L. 212-13.

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