Article R8124-21 of the French Labour Code
Labour inspectors provide users with administrative documents in accordance with articles L. 311-1 to L. 311-14 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration.
Labour inspectors provide users with administrative documents in accordance with articles L. 311-1 to L. 311-14 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration.
Subject to the duty of professional discretion, employees of the labour inspection system shall refrain from disclosing to anyone who does not have the right to know any information of which they become aware in the performance of their duties, subject to Article 8 of Law 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 on transparency, combating corruption and modernising economic life.
Employees are bound by professional secrecy under the conditions laid down by law. Inspection officers and prevention engineers are prohibited from disclosing any manufacturing secrets or operating processes of which they may become aware in the course of their duties. Medical inspectors are bound by professional secrecy under the conditions set out in Articles L. 1413-15, R. 4127-4 and R. 4127-104 of the Public Health Code.
Enforcement officers shall respect the confidentiality of the complaints referred to them and shall refrain from disclosing to any person the identity of a complainant and from publicising the existence of complaints alleging an infringement or failure to comply with the provisions of Articles L. 8112-1 and L. 8112-2, except where the complainant has informed his employer in writing that he is seeking the intervention of enforcement officers to put…
The inspecting officer shall enter freely, without prior warning, at any time of the day or night, any establishment subject to his inspection. During an inspection visit, whether unannounced or not, the inspecting officer shall inform the employer or his representative of his presence, unless he considers that such notification is likely to prejudice the effectiveness of the inspection. The control officer must carry his professional card in order to…
Officers shall at all times treat all persons present at the workplace or in the accommodation of the workers under their supervision with courtesy.
When inspectors observe infringements or breaches of the regulations, they act with discernment and diligence in their choice of action. They are free to decide what action to take in response to their actions and findings. They may give advice or make observations, refer the matter to the judicial authorities or take administrative action.
When an inspector observes or is informed of a serious or fatal accident at work, or of any incident that could have had serious consequences, he will conduct an investigation and inform his department, which will in turn inform the central authority. If necessary, he will refer the matter to the competent authorities.
The inspector will ensure that the users concerned are informed of the outcome of the inspection, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the legislation in force.
Labour inspectors at all levels of the hierarchy ensure compliance with this Code.
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