Article A321-29 of the French Commercial code
The conseil des maisons de vente shall organise the aptitude test provided for in Article R. 321-67 within a maximum period of six months from the decision imposing an aptitude test on the applicant.
The conseil des maisons de vente shall organise the aptitude test provided for in Article R. 321-67 within a maximum period of six months from the decision imposing an aptitude test on the applicant.
The council of auction houses shall ensure sufficient publicity, at least four months in advance, of the date set for the test, in particular by insertions in professional journals, by posting in its premises and in those of the Chambre nationale des commissaires-priseurs judiciaires and by publication on its website.
Individual invitations stating the day, time and place of the test are sent to each candidate at least fifteen days in advance by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other equivalent means.
The aptitude test, the programme for which is set out in Annex 3-5 to this book, comprises a maximum of three interviews, each lasting twenty minutes, dealing respectively with legal matters, the practice of voluntary sales of furniture by public auction and professional regulations.
Interviews are held in public. Each interview is marked out of 20 and is preceded by thirty minutes of preparation. The Conseil des Maisons de Vente acts as secretary to the jury.
Admission is granted by the selection board if the average of the marks obtained by the candidate is equal to or higher than 10 out of 20. At the end of the test, the selection board will draw up a list of candidates who have been admitted, which will be displayed on the premises of the Conseil des Maisons de Vente and made available on its website. The Council issues…
The adaptation course provided for in article R. 321-67 aimed at completing the applicant’s professional training includes practical instruction and, where appropriate, theoretical instruction in artistic, economic, accounting and legal matters, provided under the supervision of the Conseil des Maisons de Vente and in accordance with the procedures it determines. The adaptation period is full-time and takes place in France. Exceptionally, it may be split into monthly periods. The adaptation…
The professional practice work is carried out at a voluntary public auction sales company. The Conseil des Maisons de Vente will assign the trainee, taking into account the trainee’s choices. Under no circumstances may trainees be assigned to a voluntary sales company in which they have a direct or indirect financial interest or a link of any kind whatsoever with one of the managers, employees or partners.
The duties of the training supervisor are carried out by a person authorised to manage voluntary sales of furniture by public auction. When the duration of the traineeship exceeds one year, the conseil des maisons de vente (auction house council) ensures at the end of an initial period of twelve months and then every six months that the traineeship is progressing well and that they are acquiring knowledge. To this…
MODEL OF PRELIMINARY DECLARATION FOR A LIQUIDATION SALE 1. Declarant Last name, first names: Usual name (if applicable): For legal entities, last name and first name of the legal or statutory representative: Address: Address supplement: Postcode: Location of destination: Telephone: 2. Commercial establishment concerned by the winding-up operation Name of the trade name: Address: Postcode: Address supplement: Nature of the activity: SIRET registration number of the establishment: 3. Purpose of…
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