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Article 32-1 of the French Civil Code

French nationals with civil status under ordinary law domiciled in Algeria on the date of the official announcement of the results of the self-determination vote retain French nationality regardless of their Algerian nationality status.

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Article 32-2 of the French Civil Code

The French nationality of persons of common law civil status, born in Algeria before 22 July 1962, will be held to be established, under the conditions of Article 30-2, if these persons have consistently enjoyed possession of French nationality.

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Article 32-3 of the French Civil Code

Any French person domiciled on the date of independence in the territory of a State which had previously had the status of an overseas department or territory of the Republic, shall retain its nationality ipso jure provided that no other nationality has been conferred on him or her by the law of that State. Children of persons benefiting from the provisions of the previous paragraph who are under eighteen years…

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Article 32-4 of the French Civil Code

Former members of the Parliament of the Republic, the Assembly of the French Union and the Economic Council who have lost French nationality and acquired a foreign nationality by the effect of a general provision may be reinstated in French nationality by simple declaration, when they have established their domicile in France. The same option is open to their spouse, widower or widow and their children.

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Article 32-5 of the French Civil Code

The declaration of reinstatement provided for in the preceding article may be made by the persons concerned, in accordance with the provisions of articles 26 et seq. as soon as they have reached the age of eighteen; it may not be made by representation. It takes effect in respect of minor children under the conditions of articles 22-1and 22-2.

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Article 33 of the French Civil Code

For the application of this Title: 1° The words: “tribunal de grande instance” are replaced by the words: “tribunal de première instance”; 2° In Articles 21-28 and 21-29, the words: “in the department” are replaced by the words: “in the collectivity” or “in New Caledonia”. Penalties incurred under article 68 in the Wallis and Futuna Islands, French Polynesia and New Caledonia are pronounced in local currency, taking into account the…

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Article 33-1 of the French Civil Code

By way of derogation from Article 26, the declaration which must be received by the director of the judicial registry services of the judicial court is received by the president of the court of first instance or by the judge in charge of the detached section.

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Article 33-2 of the French Civil Code

Parrogation à l’article 31, the president of the court of first instance or the judge in charge of the detached section has sole authority to issue a certificate of French nationality to any person who can prove that he or she has this nationality.

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