Article L172-16-1 of the French Insurance Code
Subject to the provisions of article L. 173-8, unless otherwise agreed, the insurer does not cover damage caused by the insured object to other property or persons.
Subject to the provisions of article L. 173-8, unless otherwise agreed, the insurer does not cover damage caused by the insured object to other property or persons.
Where it is not possible to establish whether the loss or damage originates from a war risk or a marine risk, it is deemed to result from a marine event.
The insurer is not liable for : a) damage to or loss of property resulting from the inherent vice of the insured object, except as provided for in article L. 173-4 with regard to latent defects in the vessel; b) damage to or loss of property resulting from fines, confiscation, sequestration, requisitioning, sanitary or disinfection measures or following violations of blockades, acts of smuggling or prohibited or clandestine trade; c)…
The insured must: 1° Pay the premium and expenses at the place and times agreed; 2° Take reasonable care of all matters relating to the vessel or the goods; 3° Declare accurately, at the time of conclusion of the contract, all circumstances known to him which are such as to enable the insurer to assess the risk he is assuming; 4° Declare to the insurer, insofar as he is aware…
Failure to pay a premium entitles the insurer either to suspend the insurance or to request its cancellation. Suspension or cancellation does not take effect until eight days after formal notice to pay has been sent by registered post to the insured at the last address known to the insurer.
In the event of receivership or compulsory liquidation of the insured, the insurer may, if the formal notice has not been followed by payment, cancel the current policy, but the cancellation shall have no effect in respect of the third party in good faith, the beneficiary of the insurance, by virtue of a transfer prior to any claim and to the notification of the cancellation. In the event of withdrawal…
The insured must contribute to the rescue of the insured objects and take all measures to protect his rights against the third parties responsible. He shall be liable to the insurer for any loss or damage caused by failure to fulfil this obligation as a result of his fault or negligence.
Damage and loss are settled as damage, unless the insured chooses to surrender the goods in the cases determined by law or by agreement.
The insurer cannot be obliged to repair or replace the insured items.
The contribution to general average, whether provisional or definitive, and the costs of assistance and salvage shall be reimbursed by the insurer in proportion to the value insured by him, less, where appropriate, any special damage for which he is liable.
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