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Article R1333-55 of the French Public Health Code

When an exposure is not justified within the meaning of articles R. 1333-46 and R. 1333-47 but appears necessary for a patient in a particular case, the person requesting the procedure and the person performing the procedure shall mention the relevant clinical information prior to the exposure in their written exchanges and in the procedure report provided for in article R. 1333-66.

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Article R1333-56 of the French Public Health Code

A procedure using ionising radiation on an asymptomatic person to detect a disease at an early stage may be carried out either as part of organised screening for the disease, or after specific justification has been provided by the person carrying out the procedure in conjunction with the person requesting the procedure, taking into account, where appropriate, the recommendations of the Haute Autorité de Santé. The patient is informed of…

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Article R1333-57 of the French Public Health Code

The implementation of the optimisation principle referred to in 2° of Article L. 1333-2 aims to keep the dose of ionising radiation as low as reasonably achievable in order to obtain the medical information sought or to achieve the therapeutic objective of the exposure. Optimisation is implemented when equipment is selected and during the performance of each procedure. It includes the assessment of radiation doses or the activity of radioactive…

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Article R1333-58 of the French Public Health Code

I. – When exposure to ionising radiation involves a woman of childbearing age, the applicant and the person carrying out the procedure must investigate whether there is any pregnancy, unless this investigation is not relevant to the planned exposure. II. – For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if the possibility of pregnancy cannot be ruled out, the assessment of whether the procedure is justified takes into account the…

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Article R1333-61 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The person performing the procedure using ionising radiation for medical diagnosis or radioguided interventional procedures regularly assesses the doses delivered to patients and analyses the procedures performed in the light of the principle of optimisation. The results of the assessments concerning the procedures mentioned in II are communicated to the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire. II -Diagnostic reference levels are established and updated by the French Nuclear Safety…

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Article R1333-62 of the French Public Health Code

For external radiotherapy, brachytherapy and internal vectorised radiotherapy, exposure of the tissues and organs targeted by the radiation is assessed and planned on a case-by-case basis, keeping the doses received by organs and tissues other than those directly targeted by the radiation to the lowest possible level while achieving the therapeutic objective of the exposure. The implementation of the exposure is controlled at each stage of the exposure as part…

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Article R1333-63 of the French Public Health Code

In the context of research involving humans, when a participant voluntarily agrees to undergo a medical procedure using ionising radiation, the dose or activity levels administered are established on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the research protocol prior to exposure.

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Article R1333-64 of the French Public Health Code

Before and after a nuclear medicine procedure for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes or a brachytherapy procedure using permanent implants, the person carrying out the procedure must provide the patient, his or her legal representative in the case of a minor, or, in the case of an adult subject to a legal protection measure with representation relating to the person, to the person in charge of the measure, appropriate oral and…

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