Article R3142-22 of the French Labour Code
The list of organisations whose training courses give entitlement to mutualist leave is drawn up by order of the Minister for Mutual Societies after consultation with the Conseil Supérieur de la Mutualité.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book I: Working hours, rest periods and holidays | Title IV: Paid leave and other holidays | Chapter II: Other holidays | Section 2: Leave for associative, political or activist commitments
The list of organisations whose training courses give entitlement to mutualist leave is drawn up by order of the Minister for Mutual Societies after consultation with the Conseil Supérieur de la Mutualité.
The employer may refuse to grant the leave if he establishes that this refusal is justified by the particular needs of his company or its operations. This refusal may only be made after consultation with the Social and Economic Committee. If the employee renews his request after a period of four months has elapsed, he may not be refused a new postponement unless the number determined by article R. 3142-29…
For public undertakings not covered by article L. 2233-1, orders issued by the ministers concerned specify the bodies called upon to give their opinion under the conditions set out in article R. 3142-23.
The refusal or postponement of mutualist training leave by the employer shall be substantiated and notified to the interested party by any means giving a date certain within eight days of receipt of the request.
An employee whose request for mutualist training leave has not been granted due to the conditions mentioned in articles R. 3142-23 and R. 3142-29 will benefit from priority for the subsequent granting of this leave.
The organisation responsible for the courses or sessions provided as part of the mutualist training leave will issue the employee with a certificate stating that the employee has actually attended the course. This certificate is given to the employer when the employee returns to work.
In the event of a dispute, the industrial tribunal (Conseil de prud’hommes), to which the matter has been referred pursuant to Article L. 3142-39, shall have final jurisdiction.
In the absence of a convention or agreement as referred to in article L. 3142-40, the director of a mutual, union or federation shall inform the employer by any means conferring a date certain, at least thirty days before the start of the mutualist training leave, of his wish to benefit from this leave. He shall specify the date and duration of the planned absence and designate the body responsible…
In the absence of an agreement mentioned in article L. 3142-40, and in application of 3° of article L. 3142-41, the employer may refuse to grant leave if he establishes that the number of employees, per establishment, who have taken leave during the current year reaches the following proportion: 1° Less than 50 employees: one beneficiary; 2° 50 to 99 employees: two beneficiaries; 3° 100 to 199 employees: three beneficiaries;…
The employer’s refusal is notified to the employee by any means that confers a date certain.
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