Article R523-6 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures
If the third party’s declaration is not contested before the act of conversion, it is deemed to be accurate for the sole purpose of the attachment.
If the third party’s declaration is not contested before the act of conversion, it is deemed to be accurate for the sole purpose of the attachment.
A creditor who obtains a writ of execution recording the existence of his claim shall serve on the garnishee a conversion deed which contains, under penalty of nullity : 1° A reference to the writ of attachment; 2° A reference to the writ of execution; 3° A separate statement of the sums due under the writ of execution, in principal, costs and accrued interest, together with an indication of the…
The debtor is served with a copy of the conversion deed.
From the date of service, the debtor has a period of fifteen days to contest the conversion deed before the enforcement judge of the place where he resides. This time limit is prescribed on pain of inadmissibility.Under the same penalty, the dispute is notified on the same day or, at the latest, on the first working day thereafter, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, to the bailiff who carried…
Where necessary, the provisions of articles R. 211-7, R. 211-8, R. 211-9, R. 211-12, the second paragraph of article R. 211-15 and R. 211-22 are applicable to the conversion of the protective attachment.
The creditor shall proceed with the seizure by serving a document on one of the persons mentioned in articles R. 232-1 to R. 232-4 as appropriate. This document contains, under penalty of nullity: 1° The name and domicile of the debtor or, in the case of a legal entity, its name and registered office; 2° An indication of the authorisation or title by virtue of which the seizure is carried…
Within a period of eight days, on pain of nullity, the protective attachment is notified to the debtor by a bailiff’s deed. Under penalty of nullity, this act shall contain 1° A copy of the court’s authorisation or of the document by virtue of which the seizure was carried out; however, in the case of a notarised bond or a debt owed to the State, local authorities or their public…
The provisions of article R. 232-8 are applicable.
A creditor who obtains a writ of execution recording the existence of his claim shall serve on the debtor a conversion deed containing, on pain of nullity : 1° A reference to the writ of attachment; 2° A reference to the writ of execution; 3° A separate statement of the sums to be paid in principal, costs and accrued interest, together with an indication of the rate of interest; 4°…
A copy of the conversion deed is served on the garnishee.
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