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Article R1261-21 of the French Public Health Code

I.-For the activities referred to in 2°, 3°, 4° and 6° of the I of article R. 1261-17, the project sponsor must send the head of the body’s host structure a file describing the project by any means that provides a date certain upon receipt. The file must enable the educational or scientific interest of the project to be assessed. It must include the following documents: 1° A description of…

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Article R1261-22 of the French Public Health Code

When, for a medical training activity mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 1261-12, a health establishment or a training organisation asks the person in charge of the body reception facility to allow its staff access to the premises or the temporary removal of the body outside the body reception facility and the establishment authorised in accordance with the second paragraph of article L. 1261-1, the referral to the…

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Article R1261-23 of the French Public Health Code

For any training or research project involving an entity other than the authorised establishment which houses a body reception facility, the head of the body reception facility shall send the head of this entity a draft agreement. This draft agreement shall be sent to the body reception facility’s ethics, scientific and educational committee for its opinion by the head of the body reception facility together with the application for authorisation…

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Article R1261-24 of the French Public Health Code

The activities covered by the agreement provided for in article R. 1261-21 may not be a source of profit for the parties. The terms and conditions of the financial participation of entities outside the authorised establishment shall compensate for the costs incurred by the latter for the preservation and, where applicable, the transport of the body. The board of directors of the authorised establishment, or the body acting in its…

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Article R1261-25 of the French Public Health Code

Any training, research or health establishment which receives corpses for the purposes of medical teaching and research shall hold an authorisation issued by the ministers responsible for the establishment. The application for authorisation referred to in article L. 1261-1 shall be sent to the ministers responsible for the applicant establishment by the legal representative of the latter, by any means giving a date certain for its receipt. It is accompanied…

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Article R1261-26 of the French Public Health Code

I.-Public partner institutions within the meaning of II of article R. 1261-19 enter into an agreement with the institution authorised in accordance with the second paragraph of article L. 1261-1 of this code. II.-Training institutions mentioned in article L. 732-1 of the Education Code authorised under the conditions provided for in this article enter into an agreement with an institution authorised in accordance with the second paragraph of article L….

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Article R1261-27 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The application is deemed to be complete if, within two months of its receipt, the ministers responsible for the applicant institution have not informed the latter of any missing or incomplete information and indicated the deadline for providing this information. These authorities inform each other of the requests for additional information that they send to the institution and of the replies received. If no reply is received within the time…

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Article R1261-28 of the French Public Health Code

Authorisations are issued to the establishment and, where applicable, jointly to the associated establishment in accordance with article R. 1261-11, for a period of five years. Applications for renewal must be accompanied by the supporting documents referred to in article R. 1261-24 and the activity report referred to in article R. 1261-16. It is made under the same terms and conditions as the initial application.

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Article R1261-29 of the French Public Health Code

The ministerial authority renews the authorisation on the basis of the information mentioned in article R. 1261-25 and the establishment’s internal control report and, for activities that are subject to accreditation or that form part of an establishment’s research programme, the evaluation report by the Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education).

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Article R1261-30 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The authorised establishment must be able to provide the administrative authority with the following information at any time: 1° The number of donations of human remains received each year; 2° The medical teaching activities and research projects undertaken; 3° The number and nature of consultations with ethical bodies; 4° Staff movements; 5° Staff training initiatives. II – The authority that issued the authorisation may also request information from the establishment…

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