Article R6156-41 of the French Public Health Code
The opinions issued and proposals made by the Board of Governors are published on the Ministry of Health website.
The opinions issued and proposals made by the Board of Governors are published on the Ministry of Health website.
The national statutory committee is consulted for its opinion in the cases provided for in articles R. 6152-7-2, R. 6152-13, R. 6152-50-1, R. 6152-59, R. 6152-79 and R. 6152-80.
The national statutory commission, chaired by the head of the Inspectorate General of Social Affairs or his representative, a member of the Inspectorate General with the rank of Inspector General, comprises the following equal numbers: 1° Six full members and six alternate members representing the administration, including : a) One full member and one alternate member appointed on a proposal from the Director General of Healthcare; b) For the medical…
The members of the national statutory commission are appointed by order of the Director General of the Centre National de Gestion, published on the Centre’s website. The order sets the effective date of the term of office of the members of the commission.
Elections for staff representatives are held either electronically via the internet in accordance with the conditions set out in the aforementioned decree no. 2017-1811 of 28 December 2017, or by post, using a proportional list system with the remainders distributed according to the highest average rule. Voting is by secret ballot. Voting by proxy is not permitted. The method of casting votes and the date and closing time of the…
Voters for a section of the college of hospital practitioners are those practitioners who practise in the discipline corresponding to the section. For a section of the college of tenured teaching and hospital staff, staff working in the discipline corresponding to the section are eligible to vote. Employees on leave of absence are not eligible to vote. Voter status is determined as follows: 1° On the day on which the…
Practitioners who meet the conditions for inclusion on the electoral list for a section of the national statutory commission may be elected to that section. However, the following may not be elected: 1° Practitioners on long-term leave; 2° Practitioners who have been subject to a reduction in seniority leading to a reduction in emoluments, suspension with total or partial withdrawal of emoluments or compulsory transfer, unless they have been granted…
For the application of the provisions of II of article 9 bis of law no. 83-634 of 13th July 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants, the proportion of women and men represented within each section of the national statutory commission is assessed on 1st January of the year of the ballot. It is determined and posted on the website of the Centre national de gestion no later…
Lists of candidates are submitted at least forty-two days before the date set for the elections, by the trade union organisations that meet the conditions set out in article L. 6156-3. A receipt shall be issued to the list delegate. Subject to the provisions of article R. 6156-50, no list may be submitted or modified after this date.
If the administration finds that the list does not meet the conditions set out in article L. 6156-3, it will give the list delegate a reasoned decision declaring the list inadmissible. This decision is given by any means that provides a date certain and at the latest on the day following the deadline for submitting lists of candidates. If, within three days of the deadline for submitting lists, one or…
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