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Article R332-6 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures

If no objection or claim is lodged within fifteen days of receipt of the notification, the pursuing party or, failing this, any party to the proposed distribution shall apply to the court for its approval. On pain of inadmissibility, the application must be made within one month of the expiry of the previous time limit. The enforcement judge confers enforceability on the proposed distribution after verifying that all creditors who…

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Article R332-10 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures

The applications referred to in articles R. 332-6 and R. 332-8 must be accompanied by: 1° A mortgage statement dated after publication of the sale; 2° Proof of receipt of the proposed distribution; 3° The proposed distribution or the minutes of the agreement containing, where applicable, authorisation to release the registrations and to cancel the summons to pay in lieu of seizure; 4° The statements of registrations provided for in…

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Article R333-1 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures

In the absence of a record of agreement bearing the executory clause, the pursuing party shall refer the matter to the enforcement judge, forwarding to him the proposed distribution, a record of the difficulties encountered and any useful documents. If the pursuing party fails to act promptly, any interested party may apply to the enforcement judge for judicial distribution. Where the distribution relates to sums from a property seizure, the…

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Article R333-2 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures

When it is necessary to apportion the price of several properties sold collectively or to determine the fraction of the sale price corresponding to the value of a property by destination, the judge, at the request of the parties or ex officio, may appoint an expert by order. The judge sets a deadline for the expert to submit his report, on the basis of which the apportionment will be decided.

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Article R334-1 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures

After publication of the title deed and on the basis of a mortgage statement, the first-ranking creditor may apply to the enforcement judge for provisional payment of the principal of his claim by the receiver or the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. The enforcement judge’s decision is notified by the first-ranking creditor to the debtor and the registered creditors, who have a period of fifteen days in which to object…

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Article R334-2 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures

The receiver or the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations will pay the creditors and, where applicable, the debtor, within one month of being notified, as applicable, of the approved distribution proposal or the enforceable minutes of agreement or an enforceable copy of the decision approving the distribution statement.

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