Article R1253-31 of the French Labour Code
The administrative authority to which an appeal is lodged has fifteen days from the date of referral to make its decision.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Regulatory part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book II: Employment contracts | Title V: Temporary employment contracts, other secondment contracts and freelance administration | Chapter III: Contracts concluded with an employers' group | Page 4
The administrative authority to which an appeal is lodged has fifteen days from the date of referral to make its decision.
Where the monitoring of compliance with labour regulations by members of the grouping is the responsibility of several administrative authorities, the decision is taken by the Regional Director of Enterprises, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment after agreement by these authorities.
The decision is notified to the applicant by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within one month of receipt of the appeal. If no notification is received within this period, the appeal is deemed to have been rejected.
In the employment contracts concluded by the employers’ group referred to in article R. 1253-14, the geographical area in which the employment contract is to be performed shall be deemed to include the list of potential users. The employment contracts provide for limited travel.
Any cooperative company or interprofessional outpatient care company referred to inarticle L. 4041-1 of the Public Health Code which intends to develop the activity of an employers’ group as provided for in article L. 1253-1 shall mention this activity in its articles of association, prior to its effective exercise, as well as the joint and several liability of the members for the resulting debts towards the employees and the bodies…
The resources of all kinds allocated to the employers’ group are identified within the company and the accounts relating to its operations are separate. When the group of employers is set up for the benefit of only some of the members of an interprofessional ambulatory care company, the expenses common to these members constitute an individual expense for each of them, according to their share.
The company shall declare that it is carrying out the activity of an employers’ group in accordance with the procedures set out in articles D. 1253-1 to D. 1253-3. It shall specify the organisation it intends to implement in order to comply with the obligations of this section.
The company may recruit employees either to assign them exclusively to the activity of the employers’ group, or to assign them both to this activity and to its other activities.
The provisions of articles L. 1253-9 and L. 1253-10 apply to the employment contracts of the company’s employees if they are assigned, even partially, to the activity of the employers’ group.
The company may: 1° Make available to one of the members of the employers’ group one of the employees it employs who is not assigned to this activity; 2° Use an employee assigned to the activity of the employers’ group for its own needs.
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