Article R5312-18 of the French Labour Code
The Managing Director is appointed for a term of three years. He may be reappointed.
The Managing Director is appointed for a term of three years. He may be reappointed.
The Chief Executive Officer prepares and implements the decisions of the Board of Directors. He takes all decisions other than those falling within the remit of the Board. He represents Pôle emploi in legal proceedings and in civil acts, subject to the provisions of Articles R. 5312-23 and R. 5312-26. He has authority over all Pôle emploi staff. He appoints the Regional Directors as well as the Directors of the…
Pôle emploi’s accounts are certified by two statutory auditors.
Pôle emploi is subject to economic and financial control by the State under the conditions set out in Decree no. 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management. Pôle emploi is subject to audit by the Cour des Comptes.
Expenditure and revenue transactions in the first two sections of the Pôle emploi budget are presented in third-party accounts. The agreements relating to the mandates entrusted to Pôle emploi define the provisions ensuring the neutrality of the operations for the budget and the cash position of Pôle emploi. A resolution of the Board of Directors specifies the methods for presenting the budget. Pôle emploi keeps analytical accounts, the principles of…
The internal rules governing contracts and purchasing specify in particular the contracts for which the Regional Directors have contracting authority.
Pôle emploi is not subject to Chapter II of Title II of Book I of the regulatory part of the Code du Domaine de l’Etat and to the provisions of Decree No. 86-455 of 14 March 1986 relating to the abolition of property transaction and architecture commissions and the procedures for consulting the Estates Department. Proposals to sell, contribute or create a security interest in a work or plot of…
Under the authority of the Director General, the Regional Director or the Director of an establishment created on the basis of 7° of Article R. 5312-6 leads and controls the activity of Pôle emploi in the region or within the jurisdiction of the establishment. He/she has authority over all staff assigned to the region or establishment. He may delegate his signature to staff under his authority. He may delegate his…
The Regional Director represents Pôle emploi in its relations with users, agents and third parties and in legal proceedings and civil acts concerning the region, in particular those relating to the acquisition, exchange and disposal of real estate in accordance with the programme of territorial establishments approved by the Board of Directors and implemented by the Director General. It takes all decisions relating to the management of the list of…
The Regional Director provides the Regional Prefect with the information required to analyse and monitor Pôle Emploi’s activities in the region.
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