Article R4424-2 of the French Labour Code
Where the results of the risk assessment reveal the existence of a risk to the health or safety of workers, any exposure to a hazardous biological agent must be avoided.
Where the results of the risk assessment reveal the existence of a risk to the health or safety of workers, any exposure to a hazardous biological agent must be avoided.
Where the exposure of workers to a hazardous biological agent cannot be avoided, it shall be reduced by taking the following measures: 1° Limiting the number of workers exposed or likely to be exposed to the lowest possible level; 2° Defining work processes and technical control or containment measures designed to avoid or minimise the risk of biological agents being disseminated in the workplace; 3° Signposting, the characteristics and procedures…
For activities involving pathogenic biological agents, the employer shall issue safety instructions prohibiting the introduction by workers, for their own use, into workplaces where there is a risk of contamination: 1° Food and drink; 2° Smoking materials; 3° Cosmetics and handkerchiefs other than paper handkerchiefs, which must be disposed of as contaminated waste.
For activities involving pathogenic biological agents, the employer : 1° Provide workers with means of personal protection, in particular appropriate protective clothing; 2° Ensure that the means of personal protection are removed when the worker leaves the workplace; 3° Where they are reusable, ensure that the means of personal protection are stored in a specific place, cleaned, disinfected and checked before and after each use and, if necessary, repaired or…
Non-reusable personal protective equipment against biological pathogens is considered contaminated waste.
In places where workers are likely to come into contact with pathogenic biological agents that may be present in the bodies of patients or deceased persons or in live or dead animals, appropriate measures are taken to protect the health and safety of workers, in particular by providing information on decontamination and disinfection procedures and implementing procedures for the safe handling and disposal of contaminated waste. A joint decree by…
In departments receiving patients or in premises where there are animals likely to be contaminated by group 3 or 4 biological agents, an order by the ministers for labour, agriculture and health defines the isolation or containment measures.
In laboratories, particularly those carrying out medical biology analyses and in premises for laboratory animals contaminated or likely to be contaminated by pathogenic biological agents, containment measures appropriate to the outcome of the risk assessment are taken. The same applies to industrial processes using biological pathogens. When, at the end of the risk assessment, there is still doubt as to the classification of a biological agent whose industrial use could…
Where there is uncertainty about the presence of biological pathogens, laboratories that do not work with these agents adopt at least the containment level required for group 2 agents and, if necessary, that corresponding to group 3 or 4 agents.
In establishments and services involved in prevention and care and in establishments providing conservation care, measures to prevent injuries and the risk of contamination by pathogenic biological agents are determined by a joint order of the ministers responsible for work and health, in order to adapt the protection of workers likely to come into contact with perforating objects to the specific nature of the activities carried out and the methods…
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