Article L341-11 of the French Consumer Code
In the case of an affected credit agreement mentioned in article L. 312-44, the prior undertaking to pay cash in the event of a loan refusal is automatically null and void.
In the case of an affected credit agreement mentioned in article L. 312-44, the prior undertaking to pay cash in the event of a loan refusal is automatically null and void.
If the lender or seller claims or receives, in breach of the provisions of article L. 312-25 and, for an affected credit agreement, those of article L. 312-50, from the borrower or buyer a payment in any form whatsoever, is punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros.
Having direct debit forms signed on bank accounts containing clauses contrary to the provisions of article L. 312-25 and, for an affected credit agreement, those of article L. 312-50 is punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros.
Making the borrower or buyer subscribe to or accept or endorse bills of exchange or promissory notes is punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros.
The act of recording or causing to be recorded on a file, in breach of the provisions of article L. 312-22, the names of persons making use of the right of withdrawal, is punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros.
Getting the same customer to sign one or more credit agreement offers for a total capital amount greater than the value payable on credit of the goods purchased or services provided is punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros.
The fact that the seller or service provider, in disregard of the provisions of article L. 312-53, not to reimburse the sums due to the buyer, is punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros.
Natural persons guilty of the offences punishable under articles L. 341-12 to L. 341-17 shall also incur as additional penalties the prohibition, in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 131-27 of the Criminal Code, to hold a public office or to engage in the professional or social activity in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of which the offence was committed, or to engage in…
The provisions of articles L. 341-1 to L. 341-9 and L. 341-12 to L. 341-18 apply to credit granted in the form of an overdraft authorisation repayable within a period of more than one month and less than or equal to three months. L. 341-12 to L. 341-18 apply to credit granted in the form of an overdraft authorisation repayable within a period of more than one month and less…
The provisions of articles L. 341-1 to L. 341-9 and L. 341-12 to L. 341-18 apply to credit granted in the form of an overrun as defined in 11° of article L. 311-1.
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