Article D4625-33 of the French Labour Code
The occupational health physician from the local prevention and occupational health service shall compile, complete and keep the occupational health medical file provided for in article L. 4624-8.
The occupational health physician from the local prevention and occupational health service shall compile, complete and keep the occupational health medical file provided for in article L. 4624-8.
In the event of a challenge to an opinion issued by the occupational physician in application of article L. 4624-7, the appeal is addressed to the industrial tribunal within whose jurisdiction the establishment employing the employee is located. The occupational health medical inspector to whom the industrial tribunal refers a consultation relating to the challenge is the one whose geographical jurisdiction covers the local occupational health and prevention service.
Prevention of the occupational risks provided for in 1°, 1° bis, 2°, 4° and 5° of Article L. 4622-2 to which the employees of an external company are exposed is provided jointly within the framework of the agreement provided for in Article L. 4622-5-1, provided that the work carried out within the company is of a permanent nature or that the following two cumulative conditions are met: 1° The work…
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