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Article L322-6 of the French Sports Code

Article L. 3335-4 of the French Public Health Code sets out the rules governing the sale and distribution of drinks in stadiums, physical education halls, gymnasiums and, more generally, in all physical activity and sports establishments.

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Article L322-8 of the French Sports Code

Infringements of the provisions of article L. 322-7 are punishable by a 5th class fine. The court may also order the closure of the swimming pool or bathing area. A repeat offence is punishable by one month’s imprisonment and a fine of €3,750. The usurpation of the title provided for in article L. 322-7 will be punishable by the penalties provided for in article 433-17 of the French Criminal Code.

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Article L330-1 of the French Sports Code

For the period running from the tenth day prior to the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games until the close of these Games, any individual decision by the French National Olympic and Sports Committee in respect of a natural or legal person relating to the constitution, organisation or management of the French delegation to the Olympic Games is taken on behalf of the International Olympic Committee. For the period running…

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Article L331-1 of the French Sports Code

The delegating federations issue regulations relating to the organisation of all the events for which they are responsible, in particular in compliance with the rules defined in application of article L. 143-2 of the French Construction and Housing Code.

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Article L331-2 of the French Sports Code

The administrative authority may, by means of a reasoned order, prohibit the holding of any competition, meeting, demonstration or public event of any kind whatsoever in a sporting discipline or activity where there is a risk that it may harm the dignity, physical integrity or health of the participants.

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Article L331-4 of the French Sports Code

Delegated federations may not delegate their powers to organise sporting events requiring special safety conditions. They shall notify the authorities with policing powers of such events. The categories of events concerned by the provisions of the first paragraph are specified by decree.

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Article L331-4-1 of the French Sports Code

The federations referred to in article L. 131-14 may be assisted in their efforts to prevent violence at amateur sporting events by members of the national police operational reserve mentioned in section 4 of chapter I of title I of book IV of the internal security code.

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