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Article L341-11 of the French Tourism Code

The rules relating to temporary occupation authorisations that may be granted for the development, organisation and management of anchorage areas and light facilities on the public river domain are set out in article L. 2124-14 of the General Code of Public Ownership. The provisions of articles L. 341-9 and L. 341-10 apply to anchorages and light facilities built on the public river domain even when they are not located in…

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Article L341-12 of the French Tourism Code

Harbour dues and other fees collected in marinas may be allocated to the development and operation of anchorages or isolated facilities for the reception and practice of pleasure boating within their pleasure boating basin.

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Article L341-13 of the French Tourism Code

The conditions for the application of articles L. 341-8 to L. 341-12 are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. In particular, this decree defines the general rules governing the policing and operation of these anchorages.

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Article L341-13-1 of the French Tourism Code

In order to protect public health and the aquatic environment, pleasure craft equipped with toilets and built after 1st January 2008, which access sea and river ports as well as mooring and light equipment areas, must be equipped with facilities for either storing or treating the waste water from these toilets. These provisions also apply to floating establishments open to the public, built after 1st January 2008 and stationed on…

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Article L341-14 of the French Tourism Code

The rules relating to pedestrian access to beaches and those relating to beach concessions are set out in articles L. 321-9 du code de l’environnement et L. 2124-4 du code général de la propriété des personnes publiques.

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Article L342-1 of the French Tourism Code

In mountain areas, tourism development operations are carried out under the control of a municipality, a group of municipalities or a mixed syndicate of local authorities. Unless it is done on a “régie” basis, implementation is carried out under the following conditions: 1° Each operator must enter into a contract with the commune or grouping of communes or the competent mixed syndicate; 2° Each of the contracts relates to one…

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Article L342-2 of the French Tourism Code

Contracts drawn up for this purpose and, if a contract relates to more than one of the constituent objects, for each of these objects shall stipulate on pain of nullity: 1° The purpose of the contract, its duration and the conditions under which it may be extended or revised ; 2° The conditions for termination, forfeiture and devolution, where applicable, of the assets at the end of the contract as…

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Article L342-3 of the French Tourism Code

In accordance with the provisions ofarticle 34 of order no. 2016-65 of 29 January 2016 on concession contracts, the term of these contracts is adjusted according to the nature and scale of the investments made by the developer or operator. When the residual term of a contract relating to the ski lift service defined in article L. 342-9 is insufficient to allow for the normal amortisation of additional investments requested…

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Article L342-4 of the French Tourism Code

Where the implementation of the development project requires the conclusion of several contracts, the relations between the municipality, group of municipalities or public-private partnership and the various operators are organised by a prior memorandum of understanding, which may set out the general timetable for the project, determine the purpose of the various individual contracts and lay down the general conditions for the construction, management and transfer between the parties of…

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